A Patriotic Christmas Triumph: George Washington’s Bold Move That Changed History
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

An American Christmas miracle
A Patriotic Christmas Triumph: George Washington’s Bold Move That Changed History
In the annals of American history, there exists a Christmas tale that resonates as a true Yuletide miracle. For those familiar with the Wake Up Right community, this story holds a special place, but as we approach this extended holiday weekend, it’s a narrative worth revisiting.
Our narrative unfolds during the nascent days of the American Revolution, a tumultuous period for George Washington and the Continental Army. The British, with decisive victories from Long Island through Manhattan and into New Jersey, had the upper hand. The situation was dire, with soldiers resorting to desperate measures like consuming their own shoe leather just to survive.
Recognizing the perilous morale of his troops, Washington knew a drastic shift was imperative. Thus, he devised a plan: On Christmas night, a daring river crossing into Trenton would catch the British army off guard.
Rewind a few weeks: Renowned revolutionary pamphleteer Thomas Paine, inspired by the challenging circumstances faced by the Continental troops, penned ‘The American Crisis.’ Its stirring opening words echo through history:
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”
Such profound words surely sent shivers down Washington’s spine. In a strategic move, he instructed his officers to read these inspiring chapters to the men as they embarked on the daring Delaware River crossing on that fateful Christmas day.
The march itself was marked by snowfall, adding an unexpected twist to the element of surprise. The British, comprised mainly of Hessian mercenaries, wouldn’t anticipate an attack on Christmas, especially during a blizzard. But this wasn’t Europe. The Continental Army consisted of Americans accustomed to hunting deer in snowy landscapes for sustenance. On this day, they were hunting for freedom.
Upon reaching Trenton at daybreak, the battle commenced. Americans strategically fired from behind fences and houses, catching the British off guard. Despite the British general’s attempts to rally his men, they were outmaneuvered, ultimately surrendering in an apple orchard, with over 800 soldiers giving in.
This victory proved to be a pivotal moment in the American Revolution. News of the triumph reverberated across the colonies, sparking a surge in enlistments as men rushed to join the fight. The rest, as they say, is history—a testament to the resilience and determination that has defined the spirit of America.
This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin
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