Are Mark Robinsons Controversial Generalizing Remarks in Church Good For Trumps GOP

Written by on April 5, 2022

Are Mark Robinson’s Controversial Generalizing Remarks in Church Good For Trump’s GOP?

Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist


Opinion Article:

First of all, I support Mark Robinson. I also support putting Americans First, and I also do not support the leftist agenda.

As a fellow patriot running for political office I to am bold and say things that can be offensive, the difference is watching out for generalization when speaking about people. It’s far too easy to forget that everyone is unique and not everyone of a particular race, creed, religion, sex, sexuality, etc hold the same beliefs.

That being said this article is only meant to point out these mistakes in Lt Governor Mark Robinson and his speeches. I would hope those of the right would not see this as an attack on Mark, and in no way would I want to lose people’s support of myself from the opinion I express. I ask those who lean right to understand that the ability to criticize a fellow party member is a key difference of what Republicans and Democrats do.

That being said let’s start with the recent speech of Mark Robinson.

🎥 North Carolina’s Lt. Gov Mark Robinson gave a FIERCE speech on 2 genders.

NC’s Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson: “Ain’t but two genders! Two genders! Ain’t nothing but men and women!”


North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson: “If there’s a movement in this country that is demonic and full of the spirit of the anti-Christ, it is the transgender movement. They’re dragging our kids down into the pits of Hell, trying to teach them that mess in our schools.”

I personally agree with what he said, but without being attacked for saying it, I disagree with his comment “teaching them towards a pathway to hell”

I am myself am a Christian, I do like how the United States was based on Christian Values and really makes us morally a better country. But, I remind folks that our country was also based on the Freedom of Religion and From Religion. As long as your faith and religion do not counteract or attack our way of governance you have the right to free worship and speech.

I would like to note though I think religion and state should be kept as separate as possible. “Separation of Church and State” and that being said I do not like my Lt Governor going around churches preaching, almost 99% of what he says I can agree with, but I do not agree with condemning people to hell.

As Lt Governor it just doesn’t set a good example of government for We The People, and this goes for any politician to peach behind an altar or pulpit or church in general while serving in office.

As a gay male I do not appreciate being told I am on a path to Hell or going to Hell, especially from my elected officials.

Now Let’s Review two more speeches.



Although, I Understand Exactly His Point, as I agree Teachers should NOT be teaching sexuality to our children. But, saying “filthy homosexualism, and transgenderism” can be offensive. I still VERY MUCH support Mark Robinson, but as Lt Governor he needs to be a bit more clear in his speech.

Here is one more video that many have not seen, it’s the same one a few outlets picked up on.



This is the speech where Mark Robinson spoke some good points but then went on to state that homosexuals serve no purpose. and Heterosexuals were superior. I can agree Heterosexuals are able to create new life traditionally but Homosexuals are creative as well. God’s purpose and grand design are only known by I AM. It’s not the man who should be making such hurtful judgments.

Note: that this all started from the notion that children should be protected and materials that are not age-appropriate have no business in our schools.

UPDATE the 4th video I just now found needs to be addressed

Many of you will say that all he is doing is saying that children should not be taught about sex by their teachers and I agree. It doesn’t belong in schools.
But the way he delivers this message is generalizing. I am a Gay right-wing Republican and I’m not filth.
North Carolina’s Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson, just angrily referred to the LGBTQ community as “filth.” Then he says, “Yes, I called it filth.” There’s no debate here. This is open discrimination. It is completely unacceptable.
Articles talking about this video:

I run Gays For Trump and recently I was featured in Newsweek

with a response to a comment made by Trump at a fundraiser.

My longer response that no one published is this.


Gays For Trump is a nationwide movement full of various types of gays and the gay community has a lot of diversity the difference is that Gays For Trump leans right.

We technically are more of a support-based group to combat the rise of the leftist agenda that has infiltrated the gay community. That being said that same leftist agenda is using the LGBTQ community to push for grooming of children in schools and teetering on pro-pedophilia topics.

Gays For Trump has an agenda to make sure Republicans, Rights wingers, and others Do not associate or generalize the gay community with pedophiles.

This was a stereotype that was going on in the 1950s and I and all others in our group think all the rights that gays on the left and right worked hard for are in danger of being stripped away because of these child endangering leftist agenda policies. If the use of left-leaning LGBT community members keeps being used in this manner we will all suffer.

Let it be known that if I am Elected in my campaign for the State House of Representatives in NC District 63 I will push for a similar state law barring schools from teaching issues of sexuality and gender to underage kids. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Republicans and everyone understand that the generalization of the gay community will not be tolerated.

Gays For Trump is officially the Gay Conservatives of America who are also Gays Against Biden and Against Pedophiles and we Will save our nation’s children from the leftist harmful groomer agenda.

Note I think Mark Robinson could respect and agree with what Gays For Trump’s goals are.

I still reserve the request to be able to sit with Mark Robinson and discuss these issues. We were in the same GOP in Guilford County before he was elected. I always felt respected by him, and he even spoke at one of my rallies.

I think we need to discuss the generalization of transsexuals and the overall gay community. I think we could come to the understanding that its leftist immorality is the main issue and that is what needs to be separated from what Robinson’s understanding is of the Transsexual and Gay Community.

I still the end of the day believe in the principles of Ronald Reagan “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.” Mark Robinson is still in my opinion a good man.



UPDATE I should Include that I prayed hard about writing this article, I feel that as Republicans what makes us different is that we can criticize another fellow republican without the fear of no longer being a republican. I can point out something I do not like someone doing but that does not mean I completely do not like that person. For Mark Robinson his overall message is good and I can agree, but he needs to quit calling gays and transgenders filthy, useless, worthless, and hell-bound. No amount of math can change this is what he said, it’s said in a generalized manner and he lets you know that is what he said. People have the right to white knight for him but that doesn’t make it right.

Here is an exchange I had on a 4-10-22

Note I do not hide from what I say either.


Wow, liars on the right?
I thought leftist liars were bad. Biggest takeaway, gaslighting me the whole “conversation” then telling me he researched and read my article yet he gave away he did in fact NOT read my article.
May be an image of 1 person and text
May be an image of 4 people and text that says 'Author J Antoine Miner Sr. Peter R Boykin don't gaslight! Can you provide the links to the other videos of Mark's comments that you referenced? 10m Like Reply Peter R Boykin J Antoine Miner Sr. See you didn't read my article. You are a liar, all three of those videos are embedded in my article you claimed to have researched fully. Man you sure you are not a leftist? -robinsons-controversia-gneralizing -remarks-ncurch-good-fotrumps-gop GORIGHTNEWS.COM Are Mark Robinsons Controversial Generalizing Rem... Just now Like Reply'
I am thinking now that everything would be much better if those that want to Preach remained preachers, and those that want to be politicians be politicians. . I don’t think they should mix.
Will Update this article if more info comes to pass.


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