Are Our Leaders in Grave Danger

Written by on September 25, 2024


Are Our Leaders in Grave Danger?

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Are Our Leaders in Grave Danger?

Imagine a country where the safety of our leaders is jeopardized, and citizens are left questioning the integrity of those in power. In our Constitutional Republic, this is a stark reality we must confront as we witness alarming events unfold. Recent news highlights not only the threats to our political landscape but also the ongoing shifts in the workplace and education that will impact our future.

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the noise and misinformation to bring you the facts. Let me start with a quick story—there was once a time in this country when speaking the truth wasn’t a revolutionary act. Now, every word we speak seems to face censorship and scrutiny, especially when it goes against the left’s narrative. But we’re not backing down because, in a Constitutional Republic like ours, liberty means standing firm even when the tide turns against you. That’s what #GoRight is all about. Now, let’s dive into today’s stories.

Threats Against Our Constitutional Republic Uncovered in Chilling Assassination Plot

The state of our Constitutional Republic is under intense scrutiny as alarming events unfold, particularly surrounding a foiled assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Recent revelations from the Department of Justice have disclosed a letter from Ryan Routh, the individual charged in this assassination plot, in which he chillingly offers a $150,000 bounty for anyone willing to “complete the job.” Routh’s unsettling words capture the gravity of the situation: “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”

This letter raises critical questions about the motivations behind such threats. Investigators have uncovered that Routh spent significant time scouting Trump’s movements, including monitoring his daily patterns at the Mar-A-Lago resort and the West Palm Beach golf course. Routh was found with six cell phones in his vehicle, one of which contained Google searches for directions to Mexico. This evidence is pivotal as the DOJ prepares to file charges of attempted assassination against him.

Moreover, Routh’s ties to the Iranian regime further amplify concerns regarding the origins of his funding. In a 2023 book, he called for Iran to assassinate Trump, citing the former president’s policies towards Iran as motivation. This leads us to question how deep these connections run and who else may be involved in this chilling narrative. With a $150,000 bounty in play and evidence of Routh’s travels to and from Ukraine, it’s prudent to ask: where is this funding coming from, and what networks may be supporting his intentions?

The DOJ’s decision to release such a volatile letter is also perplexing. While Routh currently faces federal firearm charges, the letter is critical evidence of his intent for the impending assassination charges. However, one must wonder if making this information public further endangers Trump’s life. Donald Trump Jr. raised an important concern, suggesting that the DOJ’s release could inadvertently put Trump at greater risk. Routh’s research into Trump’s daily movements paints a troubling picture of calculated premeditation.

In a disturbing twist, Routh’s son, Oran Routh, has also been arrested on federal charges related to possessing child pornography. Investigators discovered “hundreds” of child pornography files during a search of Oran’s residence, which occurred during an investigation unrelated to child exploitation. This adds another layer of tragedy to an already convoluted situation, raising further questions about the moral fabric of those involved in this entire affair.

As these unsettling events unfold, we must remain vigilant and aware of the threats that challenge the integrity of our Constitutional Republic. The intersection of political threats, familial legacies, and moral decay presents a complex narrative that demands our attention.

Amidst these unfolding stories, it is notable that Secret Service approval ratings have hit a record low. This decline signals a growing concern among citizens regarding the safety and security of our elected officials. As a Constitutional Republic, we must prioritize the protection of our leaders and address the challenges that contribute to these low approval ratings.

As we consider the current state of our justice system and workplace dynamics, it is essential to reflect on our history. The first Supreme Court was established in 1789, setting the groundwork for our judicial system and ensuring that the rule of law prevails in our Constitutional Republic. Understanding our legal foundations is vital as we evaluate the justice system’s response to threats and criminal behavior in our modern age.

Funding Crisis in the Constitutional Republic

In recent days, the House Rules Committee has opted against a crucial vote on a short-term spending bill aimed at preventing a government shutdown. This decision sets the stage for Speaker Mike Johnson to rely on Democratic support to pass a funding bill, a scenario that raises eyebrows and concerns among conservatives. If you feel behind on the latest developments, The National Pulse has provided a detailed explanation of the ongoing situation.

As both Houses of Congress scramble to devise an emergency funding package ahead of the impending November election, there is an evident fear of backlash from voters. Continuing resolutions are not new to Capitol Hill; they serve as temporary measures designed to provide Congress with more time to formulate comprehensive budget bills. However, the stakes are significantly heightened as we approach a presidential election. Under the leadership of Speaker Mike Johnson, House Republicans have attempted to advance a continuing resolution that included several conservative policy priorities, only to see their efforts thwarted by internal party disputes. The most recent funding proposal, which garnered some support from Senate Democrats and a faction of Republicans, has drawn criticism from conservatives who feel it betrays their interests. This failure could prove detrimental to Johnson’s long-term prospects as Speaker.

The roots of this funding crisis extend beyond just Speaker Johnson and House Republicans. Blame can be laid squarely at the feet of Senate Democrats and their Republican counterparts, who have stalled the budget bills initially passed by the House. Senator Susan Collins accurately points to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer as a key player in this funding debacle. Schumer’s decision to delay the budget bills, creating a standoff just before the election, appears to be a strategic maneuver aimed at forcing Republicans into a difficult position. While some of this delay may be attributed to poor scheduling, a significant portion reflects a calculated effort to undermine Republican leverage.

Johnson’s proposed short-term funding bill met with rejection in the House. Despite its inclusion of critical conservative measures like the SAVE Act—aimed at tightening federal regulations to prevent non-citizens from voting—the bill fell victim to infighting among House conservatives. This defeat comes as a surprise given the tacit support from former President Donald Trump and the proposed funding timeline extending into late March of the following year. However, Democrats opposed the longer timeline, advocating for a shorter funding plan that could hinder a future Trump administration’s budgetary goal.

While some conservatives see the rejection of Johnson’s bill as a victory, believing it enhances their bargaining power with Senate Democrats, the reality may be more complex. The push for a clean continuing resolution could lead to yet another funding confrontation in December. Critics have pointed out that the SAVE Act’s attachment was merely a strategy to secure conservative votes without addressing the pressing issue of non-citizen voters in the imminent election. Furthermore, the outcome of the failed resolution might actually represent conservatives’ most advantageous position, given the narrow margins in the House and the Democrats’ control of the Senate.

As of now, Speaker Johnson has introduced a new clean continuing resolution that lacks the controversial SAVE Act, proposing to maintain government funding at current levels through December 20, 2024. The Rules Committee’s vote on this bill will be pivotal. Conservative members may seek to block it, pushing Johnson to consider moving the resolution under suspension, which requires a two-thirds majority—essentially relying on bipartisan support. Should this resolution advance, it sets the stage for another round of negotiations just before the conclusion of the lame-duck Congress.

In conclusion, the funding fight underscores the ongoing challenges facing our Constitutional Republic as Congress grapples with the complexities of governance in an election year. The interplay of party dynamics, strategic maneuvering, and the need for effective leadership will shape the landscape in the days to come. As citizens, we must remain vigilant and informed about how these decisions impact the fundamental principles of our democracy.

Shifting gears, recent surveys show that 79% of CEOs are advocating for full-time employees by 2027. This trend indicates a strong desire among business leaders to stabilize their workforce post-pandemic. The shift back to full-time positions suggests that companies are anticipating a need for increased productivity and collaboration that remote work may not fully provide. As our Constitutional Republic navigates the challenges posed by the pandemic, these insights signal a critical moment for economic recovery.

For those navigating their educational and career paths, a recent report highlights that the highest paying bachelor’s degree by mid-career is in petroleum engineering. As the energy sector continues to evolve, this degree can open doors to lucrative opportunities. In an ever-changing job market, making informed educational choices is crucial for future success.

Escalating Conflicts and Political Spending in America

In a recent surge of violence, Israeli strikes on Lebanon have resulted in the deaths of over 490 individuals, marking the deadliest military engagement since the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah conflict. The situation in the Middle East is dire, prompting the Biden-Harris regime to deploy additional troops to the region. This move indicates an escalating concern about the intensifying warfare between Israel and Hezbollah, which raises critical questions about our nation’s foreign policy and military commitments.

As we witness these troubling developments overseas, it’s essential to reflect on how these conflicts impact us domestically. A clear strategy is needed, rather than knee-jerk reactions that seem to characterize this administration’s approach. We must prioritize the safety of American citizens while fostering stability in regions fraught with violence and unrest.

In another domain, the competition for political influence is heating up as Democrats have spent a staggering $1.8 billion on political advertising since August 1. This figure stands in stark contrast to the $1.3 billion invested by Republicans. The disparity in campaign spending showcases the aggressive strategies employed by the left to sway public opinion as we approach the election season. It’s a clear reminder that financial resources can play a pivotal role in shaping electoral outcomes, and we must strategize effectively to counter this financial might.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s campaign has identified nearly 500,000 low-propensity voters, aiming to galvanize support and secure a victory in the upcoming election. This initiative is indicative of a strategic focus on increasing voter turnout among those who may not typically engage in the electoral process. Mobilizing these voters could be crucial in reclaiming power and steering the country back toward the principles that uphold our Constitutional Republic.

On the tech front, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has faced legal challenges in France, leading him to agree to provide user data to authorities under valid legal requests. This raises significant concerns about privacy and the extent to which tech companies are willing to compromise user security under government pressure. As citizens of a Constitutional Republic, we must remain vigilant about our rights and the privacy of our information.

Furthermore, the Biden-Harris regime has opposed legislation aimed at prohibiting Chinese Communist Party officials from acquiring land in the United States. This decision is alarming, considering the growing concerns about foreign influence and the potential implications for our national security. Protecting our land and resources from adversaries is not merely a political stance; it’s a necessity for preserving our sovereignty.

Finally, in a thrilling development for space exploration, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is planning to launch five uncrewed Starships to Mars within two years, with the hope of sending crewed missions within four years if these initial launches succeed. This ambitious endeavor highlights the technological advancements we are making and the potential for humanity to extend its reach beyond Earth.

In conclusion, as we navigate through these turbulent times, it’s crucial to remain informed and engaged. The decisions made by our leaders today will shape the future of our Constitutional Republic. Let’s advocate for policies that uphold our values and ensure the safety and prosperity of all Americans. Remember, it’s our duty to hold our government accountable and to stand firm in the face of adversity.

Ukrainian Election Interference and FBI Transparency Concerns

In recent developments, the trip of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States has raised serious questions about election interference. Zelensky’s visit to Pennsylvania, where he appeared alongside Kamala Harris surrogates like Governor Josh Shapiro, has sparked concerns among political commentators and citizens alike. Critics argue that this trip, funded by U.S. taxpayers, serves to bolster Harris and the Democrats while undermining Republican candidates.

During an interview with *New York Magazine*, Zelensky openly criticized Donald Trump, stating, “My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how.” He also targeted Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, labeling him as “too radical.” This kind of direct political commentary from a foreign leader during an election cycle raises the question: Is this a case of meddling in American elections?

Trump has made a clear promise to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine if he is elected president. He has consistently reminded voters of his track record during his tenure, emphasizing that there were no new wars or conflicts while he was in office. At a recent campaign rally, Trump jokingly remarked, “I think [Zelensky’s] the best salesman in history. Every time he comes into the country, he walks away with 60 billion dollars. He wants so badly for [Dems] to win this election, but I’m going to do it differently – I’m going to work to achieve peace.” This highlights Trump’s commitment to a different approach, one that focuses on resolution rather than continuous military involvement.

Furthermore, recent polling indicates that the American public is increasingly skeptical of further financial support for Ukraine, with only 24% in favor of increased funding, while 31% oppose it. This disconnect between the actions of foreign leaders and the sentiments of American citizens is concerning and prompts an urgent need for dialogue regarding the influence of foreign powers in our domestic elections.

In another significant matter, the FBI’s accumulation of sensitive information is raising alarms regarding accountability and transparency within our Constitutional Republic. Reports indicate that the FBI now holds what many believe to be the largest consolidation of potentially incriminating materials ever assembled. This collection includes items such as Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and data related to high-profile individuals like Jeffrey Epstein.

The implications of such vast reserves of data are troubling. Critics fear that this collection could be weaponized, serving not to uphold justice but rather to manipulate political outcomes. Without transparency, the American public is left in the dark, questioning whether the truth will ever be revealed or if these files will be withheld from “We The People.”

It is imperative for a thriving Constitutional Republic that we maintain a commitment to transparency and accountability in law enforcement. Citizens deserve access to the information held by the FBI and a clear understanding of whether justice is genuinely being served. As we navigate these complex issues, the commitment of #GoRight is to cut through misinformation and provide the facts necessary for informed citizenship. Remember, this fight transcends partisan lines; it is fundamentally about right versus wrong. Stay tuned for ongoing coverage and insights into these pressing matters.

#GoRight Recap/Remix

Imagine a nation where the safety of our leaders is threatened, leaving citizens questioning the integrity of those in power. This is the stark reality we face in our Constitutional Republic. Recent events have revealed alarming threats, including a chilling assassination plot against former President Donald Trump, shedding light on the dangerous dynamics surrounding our political landscape.

In today’s episode of #GoRight with Peter Boykin, we cut through the noise to deliver the facts. Once, speaking the truth was commonplace; now, it feels revolutionary as we combat censorship and misinformation. Let’s explore how these challenges affect us.

Threats Against Our Constitutional Republic
A foiled assassination attempt against Trump has emerged, with unsettling details from the Department of Justice highlighting the motivations behind such threats. The chilling letter from the suspect reveals a $150,000 bounty for his assassination. This raises critical questions about the origins of his funding, especially concerning his ties to the Iranian regime.

Public Sentiment
As these events unfold, the Secret Service’s approval ratings are alarmingly low, indicating growing concern for the safety of our leaders. In a Constitutional Republic, we must prioritize the protection of those elected to serve us.

Funding Crisis
The House Rules Committee’s recent decision not to advance a crucial spending bill has created a precarious funding crisis. With the upcoming election, Speaker Mike Johnson faces significant challenges as he navigates party disputes and the looming threat of a government shutdown.

Workplace Trends
Interestingly, surveys indicate a shift back to full-time employment, signaling a desire among CEOs to stabilize their workforces post-pandemic. This move is critical for economic recovery as we adapt to changing workplace dynamics.

Escalating Conflicts
Meanwhile, escalating violence overseas and aggressive political spending highlight the urgent need for strategic planning. As Democrats outpace Republicans in political ad spending, the importance of mobilizing support among low-propensity voters becomes increasingly clear.

FBI Transparency Concerns
Concerns surrounding the FBI’s accumulation of sensitive information raise alarms about accountability and transparency in our justice system. As citizens, we deserve clarity regarding the potential weaponization of this data.

As we navigate these turbulent times, it’s crucial to remain informed and engaged. The choices made by our leaders today will shape the future of our Constitutional Republic.

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