Battle for America Heating Up

Written by on September 23, 2024


Battle for America Heating Up

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Battle for America Heating Up

A Constitutional Republic Under Siege From Left-Wing Extremism and Political Threats

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin. In this episode, we delve deep into the state of our Constitutional Republic and how political threats, from within and outside, continue to challenge the very core of our nation. The facts and headlines are stark reminders of how critical it is to stay informed and protect our liberty.

Kamala Harris: Repeating the Same Script

Let’s start with Kamala Harris, the vice president, who rarely does interviews. But when she does, it’s as predictable as clockwork. In any discussion about the economy or the broken border system, she repeats two key phrases: “I grew up a middle-class kid,” and “I was a prosecutor of a border state.” It’s become a talking point that hardly scratches the surface of the real issues. The crisis at the border and the economic instability we face today are direct consequences of failed leadership. It’s clear Harris doesn’t have any real solutions, and this scripted response is just another indication of that.

Opinion Note: The portrayal of Kamala Harris as ineffective here is opinion-based, drawing attention to her lack of substantial engagement on key issues like immigration and the economy.


Middle East Conflict – A Cycle of Violence and Extremism

Let’s dive into the ongoing conflict between Israel and its adversaries, a complex situation that continues to fuel widespread discussion and criticism across the globe.

One crucial fact is that enemies of Israel have often come from radicalized groups, primarily within Muslim communities. These groups, such as Hamas, have repeatedly attacked Israel and called for the annihilation of the Jewish people. Now, it’s important to note that criticizing a nation’s actions doesn’t automatically make one anti-Semitic, just as questioning Muslim-majority countries doesn’t inherently make someone Islamophobic. We must separate the actions of governments and radical factions from the general populace.

Former President Trump, for example, has continuously advocated for peace in the Middle East, a stance he has emphasized on multiple fronts, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Trump understands that war perpetuates problems, leading to cycles of hatred and extremism. As Trump said, “War never will fix an issue, it only spreads it.” This is key when looking at the broader situation—whether we’re talking about the Middle East or other global conflicts, peace remains the only real solution.

On one side of this ongoing Middle Eastern battle, we have Israel. Their retaliatory response to the attacks on October 7th, which they called “barbaric,” was seen by some as justified initially, given the brutal nature of those assaults. However, the scale of Israel’s subsequent operations has raised concerns, as civilian casualties in Gaza continue to climb. Critics argue that Israel’s response has gone far beyond what can be considered proportional, claiming that Israel is fostering a new generation of hatred through its actions.

Many fear that for every child who loses their family, another extremist is created. As one Reddit commenter pointed out, “This is how you end up fueling an endless spiral of violence.” While the military strategy might aim to suppress immediate threats, it risks perpetuating a cycle of violence. Each attack only radicalizes more people, leading to more violence in the future. It’s a story we’ve seen repeated throughout history—whether in the Middle East or elsewhere—where aggressive responses only breed more conflict.

Some argue that Israel’s long-term goal is to eliminate the Palestinian population entirely, effectively wiping them off the map. While this is a grave accusation, we must examine the facts on the ground. Israel’s actions have led many to question their true endgame, with some voices, both in the West and the East, expressing concerns that these military efforts may not stop until the Palestinian identity itself is erased.

Criticism extends beyond Israel, as many observers accuse Western democracies of complicity. They argue that governments around the world, especially in the West, have been largely passive or even supportive of Israel’s military campaigns, despite the mounting civilian toll. This passivity has led to widespread disillusionment, particularly among younger generations who feel that their governments are failing to address moral injustices. As one commenter on social media noted, “In five to ten years, the narrative around this whole thing is going to be a terrifying amalgamation of ‘how could this have happened’ and ‘Israel had no choice.'”

The brutal reality of war leaves many questioning where humanity fits in this so-called ‘greatest country on Earth.’ The cycle of war and violence diminishes the human spirit, and the failures of governments worldwide to act with compassion are becoming all too clear.

Yet, as history shows us, cruelty might win in the short term, but it often fails in the long run. While we can’t ignore the geopolitical realities that fuel these conflicts, we must continue to advocate for peace and dialogue as the only viable solution. Trump’s stance for peace between warring nations stands out as the sensible approach to conflicts like these.

Dangers Lurking: Assassination Threats and Polling Data

In some disturbing news, Representative Matt Gaetz revealed that DHS informed him of at least five assassination teams in the U.S. targeting Donald Trump. Three of these teams are acting on behalf of foreign governments. This is not just about political disagreements—this is about ensuring the safety of a former president in a Constitutional Republic that values the rule of law. Our Republic faces severe threats from radical factions, and the idea that political figures, especially a former president, can be targeted is an alarming reflection of our current climate.

The latest polling averages show Trump at 47.4% and Harris at 49.3%. While Harris holds a slight lead in these figures, Trump’s resurgence continues to grow with his appearances in public forums, including drawing a staggering 4.9 million viewers on Gutfeld’s late-night show.

Democratic Donor Arrested for Threatening Supreme Court Justices

On the judicial front, the Department of Justice arrested 76-year-old Panos Anastasiou, a Democratic donor, for sending more than 465 violent threats to conservative Supreme Court Justices. The DOJ reported that his messages escalated over time, including threats of assassination by torture and firearms, aimed at intimidating the justices and retaliating against their rulings.

This donor’s arrest underscores a dangerous trend of left-wing violence against conservatives, a pattern that has been downplayed in the mainstream media. From this Democratic donor’s actions to the transgender shooter who targeted a Christian school in Nashville, it’s evident that the radical left poses a genuine and growing threat to our nation.

Opinion Note: The assertion that left-wing violence is an epidemic and a dominant threat is an opinion based on a broader narrative about political violence. The facts about the donor’s arrest, however, are sourced from the Department of Justice’s reports.


Headlines and Global Concerns

Turning our attention globally, tensions are also mounting. A senior Russian lawmaker has warned of a potential “global war with the use of nuclear weapons” if the West continues to support Ukrainian strikes deep into Russian territory. This highlights the fragile geopolitical environment we live in, as Russia’s aggression and Western responses keep the world on edge.

In North Korea, the regime recently tested new tactical ballistic missiles using super-large warheads. These provocations show that threats to global stability are ever-present, and as a Constitutional Republic, America must be prepared to respond effectively.

2024 Election and Political Polling:
– 🆚 2024 polling average: Trump 47.4%, Harris 49.3%
– ❎ 28% of Dems say country better off if Trump was assassinated
– 📈 Trump on ‘Gutfeld!’ late-night show pulled 4.9 million viewers

Legal and Government Affairs:
– 🤦 Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, vowed to continue his campaign following a salacious CNN report unveiling comments he made on a pornography site’s message board.
– 🐀 E-mails prove disgraced NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally altered a state review that lowballed the nursing home COVID-19 death count.
– ✝️ American pastor David Lin, imprisoned for 18 years on trumped-up charges for helping build a Christian church in Beijing, was finally freed.

Global and Geopolitical Threats:
– 🆘 Rep. Matt Gaetz was informed by a DHS official that there are at least five teams of assassins in the U.S. targeting Donald Trump, three acting on behalf of foreign governments.
– 🇳🇱 Two were stabbed [one killed] in the Netherlands by an Islamic extremist yelling “Allahu Akbar.”

Technology and Corporate Affairs:
– 🛂 Americans can now renew their passports online.
– 📊 32% support a TikTok ban, down from 50% in March 2023.
– 👟 Nike’s CEO has stepped down following sinking sales.
– 🚀 Elon Musk said SpaceX will file a lawsuit against the Biden-Harris FAA, accusing the agency of “regulatory overreach.”

Miscellaneous News:
– 🌒 Earth will get a second moon for about two months this year when a small asteroid begins to orbit our planet.
– 🐼 A zoo in China was caught painting dogs and passing them off as pandas.

The #GoRight Recap

Kamala Harris continues her ineffective responses to the nation’s crises, using scripted lines without addressing the real economic and border issues.

The political climate is dangerous, as Rep. Matt Gaetz revealed assassination teams are targeting Donald Trump, and Democratic donor Panos Anastasiou was arrested for threatening conservative Supreme Court Justices.

Global threats continue to rise, with Russia warning of nuclear war and North Korea testing new ballistic missiles, highlighting the need for strong leadership in America.

Finally, we explored the escalating violence between Israel and its adversaries, focusing on how military actions by both sides create cycles of hatred and extremism. The numbers of civilians lost are alarming, and while Israel defends its right to security, many are calling its response disproportionate, with fears that it’s fostering even more violence. Former President Trump’s message of peace rings true—war only spreads the problem. Western democracies are being criticized for their role in supporting this conflict, while many fear that extremism will only grow if a peaceful resolution isn’t sought.

Thank you for tuning in to #GoRight with Peter Boykin. For more in-depth analysis, head to You can find us on Rumble, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. To support our mission, you can donate through Cash App at $PeterBoykin1. Links are available on both and Let’s stay informed and fight for our Constitutional Republic.

#GoRight with Peter Boykin

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