Donald Trump Returns to Butler and Elon Musk Joins Rally

Written by on October 8, 2024


Donald Trump Returns to Butler and Elon Musk Joins Rally

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Donald Trump Returns to Butler and Elon Musk Joins Rally

It’s been one year since Hamas, the Iranian-backed terrorists, invaded Israel and brutally murdered more than 1,200 innocent people, including 40 Americans, while taking hundreds more hostage. The ripple effects of that attack are still shaking the world, and the consequences continue to unfold both abroad and here at home. In Gaza, Israel remains steadfast in its fight to eliminate the terror threats at its borders, with more than 40,000 lives lost in the conflict. Meanwhile, a second front has opened in Lebanon, where Hezbollah, another Iranian proxy, faces off against Israeli forces.

This conflict has not only taken lives but also divided Americans, sparking a dangerous rise in antisemitism across our country. The battle for the Middle East feels far away in distance, but its reverberations reach all the way to our Constitutional Republic, threatening to tear at the fabric of who we are.

Now, I won’t pretend to have easy solutions for the complex issues of the Middle East, but there is one undeniable fact: the region was far more stable just a few years ago. Under Donald Trump’s leadership, Iran was isolated, and efforts to neuter their influence politically and financially were making real progress. With his administration’s focus on strength, deterrence, and diplomacy, we witnessed historic peace deals and a region inching toward stability.

But since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris reversed many of those critical policies, things have steadily unraveled. Iran’s influence is resurging, terror proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah are emboldened, and now we are witnessing the horrific consequences of that shift in leadership.

So, what happens next? What will another four years of this approach bring us? Will it lead to more chaos, more instability, and more threats to both our allies and our national security? Or will we see a return to a policy of strength, one that prioritizes peace through power, just like we saw under Donald Trump? It’s time to ask ourselves what kind of future we want, both here and abroad.

This leads us to our top story—a testament to the resilience of leadership and the American spirit. Donald Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania, to finish a speech he never got to complete. But this is not just any rally, and Trump is not just any leader. He’s a man who survived an assassination attempt, and now, he’s back to deliver on the promise he made to the people of Butler, reminding us that in America, we don’t back down in the face of evil.

Donald Trump Returns to Butler and Elon Musk Joins Rally

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the noise, sift through the misinformation, and bring you the facts that matter most to our Constitutional Republic. Here, we stand firm in defending liberty, upholding the truth, and ensuring that We The People are always informed and empowered.

I’m your host, Peter Boykin, and in this podcast, we dive into the stories shaping our nation, keeping you updated on what’s happening across America and around the world. Whether it’s politics, policy, or the latest headlines, we’re here to give you the straight talk you deserve, with a clear viewpoint rooted in Constitutional principles, and yes, with a strong Moderate and Conservative Republican perspective.

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Imagine surviving a near-death experience and then walking back into that very same arena where your life nearly ended. That’s exactly what happened when Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania. It’s the kind of story that defines resilience and American determination. Our Constitutional Republic thrives on the bravery of its leaders, even in the face of danger.

Donald Trump Returns to Butler After Assassination Attempt

Our top story focuses on Donald Trump’s return to Butler, Pennsylvania, following a harrowing assassination attempt during a rally that left one man dead. Just months ago, Trump narrowly escaped death when an assassin perched on a nearby roof took aim at him, only to miss by mere inches, hitting his ear. Tragically, Corey Comperatore, a former fire chief, sacrificed his life by shielding his family from the sniper’s bullets. Trump vowed to return to Butler and return he did — with a renewed sense of purpose.

At the rally, over 100,000 attendees gathered to witness his triumphant comeback, with millions tuning in online. The stage was set, and Lee Greenwood’s live performance of “God Bless the USA” added to the patriotic fervor. When Trump stepped on stage, he began his speech with a nod to that fateful day, quipping, “As I was saying…” His ability to remain poised in the face of such danger shows the tenacity of a leader committed to his cause.

Corey Comperatore’s Heroic Legacy

One of the most emotional moments of the event came when Trump paid tribute to the fallen hero, Corey Comperatore. Trump highlighted Corey’s courage, saying, “Every father and husband in America hopes that, if the time came, we would have what Corey had: tremendous courage, tremendous guts.” His words sparked chants of “Corey!” throughout the crowd, a powerful testament to the honor of those who risk everything for their loved ones.

Elon Musk Joins the Rally

Perhaps the biggest surprise of the day was the appearance of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Musk took the stage alongside Trump, donning a Make America Great Again hat. Musk has become a vocal supporter of Trump after the attempted assassination, stating, “The true test of someone’s character is how they behave under fire.” Musk’s presence electrified the crowd, and he stressed the importance of the upcoming election, urging people to register to vote, calling it “the most important election of our lifetime.”

Trump’s Rally Highlights Policy

Donald Trump also laid out his vision for the country, touching on key issues such as the economy, illegal immigration, and energy independence. His remarks emphasized the decline seen under the Biden-Harris administration, particularly in regard to manufacturing and fracking, which are crucial for states like Pennsylvania. Trump’s rally was a stark contrast to the struggles of the current administration, with polls showing a tight race between Trump and Kamala Harris, now at a 48.2% tie.

Elon Musk’s involvement, along with the size of the rally, gives Trump a renewed edge in Pennsylvania. Following the event, betting markets began to favor Trump over Harris for winning the state, demonstrating the powerful impact of his presence in the area.

Trump Addresses Safety Concerns

Despite the recent assassination attempt, Trump expressed his unwavering commitment to the people of Pennsylvania, saying, “I feel we have an obligation to go back to Butler. We never finished what we were supposed to do.” He also voiced concerns about security at his rallies, pointing out that while he respects the Secret Service, the White House’s response has been lacking. Trump’s courage in returning to Butler, knowing the risks, showcases his dedication to his supporters and his mission to make America great again.

Imagine this. You’re at an airport, getting ready to board a flight with your family. As you’re going through security, you realize the guy standing next to you, who you’ve never seen before, doesn’t have any identification. Not only that, but he’s allowed to board the flight, bypassing the same protocols that every law-abiding citizen follows.

This is not fiction—this is happening under the Biden-Harris administration, and it’s a direct result of their irresponsible border policies that continue to undermine the security of our Constitutional Republic.

Today, we’re diving into two critical headlines: The shocking findings of a DHS internal watchdog report on Biden-Harris’ border policies and the growing criticism of the federal government’s response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. Let’s get started.

Internal Watchdog Finds Biden-Harris Did Not Fully Assess Border Policy Risks

A damning report from the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General has laid bare the negligence of the Biden-Harris administration in handling the security of our borders. This isn’t just a political talking point; it’s a reality that affects every American.

The Facts:

– The report exposes that the administration “did not fully assess the risks” of releasing illegal aliens without identification and allowing them to board domestic flights. The DHS agencies, including CBP, ICE, and TSA, failed to assess the inherent dangers in these practices.

– Here’s the most shocking part: Illegal aliens were allowed to fly without proper identification, bypassing standard TSA protocols. Let that sink in for a moment. The same TSA that makes you take off your shoes and go through security screenings is letting people board planes without even knowing who they are.

– The TSA used what they call a “self-certified identity process,” which means an individual could just declare who they were, and that was enough for the Biden administration. The Inspector General called out the DHS for this, stating they cannot ensure high-risk noncitizens aren’t posing a threat to the flying public.

– Perhaps the most concerning part is that CBP and ICE couldn’t even provide data on how many individuals without ID were released into the U.S. between 2021 and 2023. We’re not talking about a few people here. Since Biden and Kamala took office, 382 individuals on the terror watchlist have crossed the southern border—100 of them just in 2024.

This is a massive national security failure, and the DHS watchdog made it clear: If CBP and ICE continue to allow unidentified noncitizens into the country, they may *increase national security risks*. And that’s not just an opinion—it’s a fact.

Let’s not forget the role of the CBP One app in this crisis. This app, which allows foreigners to claim asylum over the phone, admits about 1,500 people into the country every single day. Last month, we saw the consequences when Tajik nationals, some with ties to ISIS, planned to attack an LGBTQ establishment in Philadelphia after entering through this app. Yet, the part of the report detailing the risks of this app was redacted. What are they hiding from the American people?

Federal Government Criticized for Inaction After Hurricane Helene

Now, let’s shift gears to the catastrophic aftermath of Hurricane Helene. It’s been a full week since this storm devastated parts of Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Virginia. As the death toll rises to over 230 people, and countless others are still missing, the federal government is facing mounting criticism for its slow and inadequate response.

The Facts:

– Millions of people lost power and essential services, and thousands of families are still living without basic utilities. Yet, FEMA and the Biden administration have been bogged down in red tape, preventing much-needed aid from reaching these devastated communities.

– In Florida, FEMA actually *blocked* residents from removing debris from their properties, prompting Gov. Ron DeSantis to mobilize state assets to expedite the cleanup efforts.

– North Carolina was hit particularly hard, with 75,000 people still without power. Yet, one small Appalachian town devastated by the storm has *yet to see any FEMA assistance*. This is a clear failure of leadership at the federal level.

– Elon Musk, who has been trying to use his SpaceX technology to deliver aid, shared on social media that FEMA was actively blocking his engineers from bringing in internet terminals to help restore communication in North Carolina. He said, and I quote, “FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!” This is government incompetence at its worst.

The failure in leadership:

At the helm of this federal response are key figures like Kamala Harris, who sat down for a lighthearted interview on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast while millions were suffering. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, who oversees FEMA, was seen shopping at a luxury clothing store while Americans were left waiting for help. This is not just poor optics—it’s a dereliction of duty.

How You Can Help:

While the federal government is dropping the ball, there are ways we, the people, can step up. I encourage you to donate to organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian organization that has been delivering supplies across the six states affected by the storm. President Trump’s authorized fundraiser has also raised nearly $7 million to support handpicked charities on the ground.

And for those of you in North Carolina, where the damage is most severe, I urge you to call Governor Roy Cooper’s office and demand action. Rural areas, especially in western North Carolina, have been hit hardest, and they need your voice to bring aid where it’s most needed.

Call Roy Cooper: His number is: (919) 814-2000

If it goes to voicemail, you can submit a contact form here.

It seems that most of the persistent issues are coming from western North Carolina, where roughly half of the storm fatalities occurred. So, I would encourage you to make your voices heard and call Gov. Roy Cooper’s office directly. Ask what he is doing to get aid to the rural western part of the state.

#GoRight Recap:

In this Article, we saw Donald Trump return to Butler, Pennsylvania, undeterred by a near-fatal assassination attempt. He honored the heroism of Corey Comperatore, who gave his life protecting his family. Elon Musk joined Trump on stage, emphasizing the importance of the election and Trump’s resilience under fire. Trump’s policy messages resonated strongly with Pennsylvanians, showing a powerful shift in momentum as the state prepares for the next election. Despite security concerns, Trump’s commitment to his supporters remains stronger than ever, proving that leadership is defined by perseverance and courage.

Then we went over two articles that highlighted the serious failings of the Biden-Harris administration, from border security failures to ineffective disaster relief. But remember, this is our Constitutional Republic, and *We the People* can make a difference.

First, we explored the shocking findings from the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General, exposing how the Biden-Harris administration recklessly allowed illegal aliens to fly without proper identification, bypassing TSA protocols. This gross negligence has increased national security risks, as more than 380 individuals on the terror watchlist crossed our borders, with the government failing to track those released into the U.S. without ID. The use of the CBP One app, allowing thousands to enter the country daily, has further compounded these security risks, including an alarming case involving Tajik nationals with ISIS ties. Despite these facts, the government continues to allow unidentified individuals into the country, heightening the threat to American citizens.

Lastly, we discussed the abysmal federal response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. With over 230 confirmed dead and many still missing, millions remain without power and essential services. FEMA and the Biden administration have failed to provide timely aid, with shocking stories of federal red tape preventing private citizens and organizations like SpaceX from delivering help. Governor Ron DeSantis had to intervene to clear debris in Florida, while rural North Carolina remains especially underserved. Federal leaders like Kamala Harris and Alejandro Mayorkas have shown a lack of urgency during this crisis, further demonstrating the federal government’s failure to support its citizens in need.

Thank you for tuning in to #GoRight with Peter Boykin. For more detailed coverage of these stories and others, visit You can also find us on, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, X, and other platforms. Want to help us keep fighting for the truth? You can donate via Cash App at $PeterBoykin1 —all links can be found on and

Until next time, stay informed, stay vigilant, and always— Go Right!




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