Flaring Friction as Political Crossfire Over Endorsement in North Carolina’s Gubernatorial Race
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

Tillis Says No to Robinson
Flaring Friction as Political Crossfire Over Endorsement in North Carolina’s Gubernatorial Race
In a fiery exchange triggered by U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis endorsing another candidate over Mark Robinson in the 2024 North Carolina gubernatorial race, Lt. Governor Robinson has shown evident discontent. Tillis, expressing reservations about Robinson’s lack of legislative and business experience, threw his weight behind Bill Graham, a wealthy businessman entering the political fray.
Tillis’s endorsement, delivered through a news article on a quiet Friday afternoon during the holiday season, appeared more subdued, signaling a deliberate low-key embrace. However, instead of letting it pass without much ado, Robinson took to social media with a nearly 450-word critique, likening Tillis to “North Carolina’s Mitt Romney” and accusing him of rallying the “RINO” (Republican In Name Only) faction against him.
This public rebuttal reflects a deep-seated annoyance on Robinson’s part, resembling an impassioned social media outburst reminiscent of Donald Trump’s discourse. Robinson’s recent rhetoric towards opponents has echoed Trump’s style, demonstrating a significant shift in tone.
Robinson’s hope to secure Trump’s endorsement at an upcoming Mar-a-Lago event seems to align with this aggressive political maneuvering. While such tactics might bolster Robinson in the Republican primary, his conviction in pursuing them is noteworthy, given his substantial lead in polls, which appears challenging for his rivals to bridge.
Despite Robinson’s dominance in the polls, Graham’s well-financed campaign and statewide TV ads give him a formidable edge. Tillis’s endorsement could sway opinions within the party, yet its weight may be limited, considering his prior censure for supporting LGBTQ+ rights and gun safety.
Robinson’s decision to publicly respond to Tillis’s endorsement, while neither Tillis nor Graham emphasized it, raises questions about his approach. It suggests either a quick susceptibility to provocations or an acknowledgment of Graham’s potential as a genuine contender.
The rift created by Tillis’s endorsement unveils an interesting dynamic within the Republican Party and adds another layer of uncertainty to the gubernatorial race. Robinson’s reaction indicates an acknowledgment of the threat posed by Graham’s candidacy, warranting keen observation as the race unfolds.
[Source: The Charlotte Observer]
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