Hurricane Helenes Aftermath Communities Struggle While Federal Response Falls Short

Written by on October 4, 2024


Hurricane Helene’s Aftermath:

Communities Struggle While Federal Response Falls Short

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Hurricane Helene’s Aftermath: Communities Struggle While Federal Response Falls Short

Let me paint a picture for you. Imagine your town is hit by one of the worst hurricanes in recent memory—Hurricane Helene. Homes destroyed, streets flooded, and families struggling to survive. You’ve lost everything. And while you’re standing knee-deep in the wreckage, waiting for help, what does the federal government offer? A measly $750 from FEMA to “cover your immediate needs.” Yeah, $750 to rebuild your life after a natural disaster. Meanwhile, billions are being sent overseas and FEMA’s coffers are being drained for illegal immigrants.

Hero Pilot Nearly Arrested for Trying to Save Lives

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, a pilot attempting to rescue victims in Western North Carolina was threatened with arrest. Let that sink in. In a country that claims to be founded on freedom and individual initiative, a pilot who risked his life to help others during a natural disaster was nearly jailed by the very government that should have been assisting. This is the overreach of federal bureaucracy at its finest.


This is the reality for Americans in the wake of Hurricane Helene. But it’s not just a natural disaster—they’re now facing a disaster of federal incompetence. Today, we’re diving deep into the government’s failed response and the questions that need to be asked. Stay tuned, folks, because what’s happening here is bigger than one storm.

But before we get into that, let’s take a look at a few other critical stories and updates you need to know about.

What They’re Really Doing: The War on Liberty and Accountability

Judge Tanya Chutkan has unsealed a 165-page filing from Biden’s special counsel, Jack Smith. What’s the case about? Donald Trump, January 6th, and whether the former president can claim presidential immunity for his actions. Smith argues that Trump’s actions were those of a private citizen. But the timing? Oh, you can’t ignore the timing. This happens just as Trump is surging in the polls. That’s right. The system is playing its hand, attempting to clip the wings of a rising threat to their status quo. The question is, how long are we going to pretend not to see what’s happening in front of us?

Let’s break it down and look at the headlines through the lens of liberty in our Constitutional Republic, where the principles of personal freedom and accountability are under constant assault.

Media Manipulation – CNN Wants You to Pay for Their Bias

First up, CNN is planning to charge people to access their articles. Imagine taking a product that most Americans already avoid due to its blatant slant, and then slapping a price tag on it. You can almost hear the marketing meeting now: “We can’t give this away for free anymore, so let’s make them pay.” It’s genius, but only in a clown world where people will gladly pay for narratives that fuel disinformation and division.

Trump Demands Accountability from CBS

Meanwhile, Donald Trump, a man who isn’t afraid to demand accountability, has said he’ll only appear on CBS’s “60 Minutes” if they apologize for their role in spreading the lie that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation back in 2020. It’s the same mainstream media that gave cover for the Biden crime family, and Trump’s conditions for participating in interviews are a clear stance for truth, a refreshing contrast to the usual media circus. And let’s be real: CBS owes the American people more than just an apology.

Biden DOJ’s Convenient Delays

Then we have the Biden Department of Justice delaying the release of Joe Biden’s records from his vice-presidential days—particularly those related to Hunter’s foreign business deals—until after the upcoming election. Surprise, surprise! We’re talking about the kind of records that could expose conflicts of interest that have been haunting Biden since day one. This isn’t just bureaucratic red tape; it’s election interference. The DOJ’s role here is nothing short of protecting their man in the White House.

Jumaane Williams and the Straw Donor Scandal

In New York City, Jumaane Williams, next in line to take over as mayor if Eric Adams resigns, finds himself mired in controversy. Turns out, his campaign took donations from a contractor accused of setting up illegal straw donations. You have to wonder: Is this the kind of leadership we can expect if Williams ascends to the mayoral office? Corruption seems to be the norm these days for anyone in line for political power in this country.

Diddy’s Growing Scandal Web

Shifting to the entertainment world, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs finds himself at the center of accusations involving high-level executives and bankers, according to lawyers for his victims. While it’s an ongoing story, it raises questions about the complicity of the powerful and wealthy in covering up abuses for years. We’ll keep an eye on this as more details emerge, but it’s looking like another case of elites protecting each other.

Kamala’s Husband Accused of Assault

Now for a bombshell: Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, stands accused of drunkenly assaulting an ex-girlfriend. This comes from three separate witnesses who all back up the story. The incident reportedly took place in 2012 at the Cannes Film Festival, where Emhoff allegedly slapped his girlfriend in a fit of jealousy. The mainstream media, of course, has largely ignored this story, despite its clear relevance to the public image that Harris and her husband project. In fact, not long ago, Emhoff was praised by MSNBC for “reshaping the perception of masculinity.” Is this really the kind of masculinity we want celebrated?

Hurricane Helene: A Natural Disaster Worsened by Federal Incompetence

A Natural Disaster Worsened by Incompetence

Hurricane Helene: A Natural Disaster Worsened by Federal Incompetence

Hurricane Helene’s path of destruction has left a haunting mark on the Southeast, with a death toll climbing past 190, thousands displaced, and countless communities left in ruin. What began as a natural disaster has become a glaring indictment of federal incompetence, exposing how unprepared and unwilling the Biden-Harris administration is when it comes to helping American citizens in their most vulnerable moments.

As the floodwaters surged and homes were swallowed by devastation, especially in hard-hit areas like western North Carolina, the federal government’s response was slow, confused, and utterly inadequate. In the face of such tragedy, the people affected by Helene needed swift action, financial support, and leadership. Instead, what they received was little more than lip service from the White House and a pitiful handout from FEMA.

$750: A Disgraceful Offer from FEMA

Vice President Kamala Harris proudly stood before cameras in Augusta, Georgia, after touring disaster-struck areas and announced FEMA’s relief plan for those who lost their homes, livelihoods, and in many cases, loved ones. Her big solution? A one-time payment of $750 to “meet immediate needs.” Yes, you heard that right. For families who have lost everything, FEMA’s best offer was less than the average cost of rent in most parts of the country. This isn’t just tone-deaf—it’s an insult to hardworking Americans, many of whom live in small rural towns and don’t have the safety nets that urban elites in D.C. take for granted.

FEMA’s broken response to Hurricane Helene reflects deeper issues within the Biden-Harris administration, where funds that should go to help our citizens are being mismanaged and funneled elsewhere. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported that they are woefully underfunded to handle this hurricane season, but why is that?

Where Did the Money Go?

In Fiscal Year 2024, FEMA was allocated around $20 billion to handle natural disasters. However, what has emerged in recent weeks is that over $1 billion of those funds—roughly 5% of the entire FEMA budget—was reallocated to support illegal immigrants. That’s right. While citizens in small towns across America struggle to rebuild their lives, the Biden administration prioritized funneling money towards the costs associated with housing and supporting the millions of illegal immigrants who have crossed our southern border.

The glaring misallocation of funds becomes even more egregious when you consider that the Biden administration recently announced a new aid package—this time for Ukraine—to the tune of $2.4 billion. That’s right. While FEMA struggles to provide adequate relief, the administration is more focused on international conflicts than helping American citizens recover from one of the worst natural disasters in recent memory.

A Pattern of Federal Failure

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the Biden-Harris regime fail during a disaster. From mishandling the border crisis to botching the Afghanistan withdrawal, the pattern of incompetence is consistent. But what makes the response to Hurricane Helene so infuriating is the administration’s blatant disregard for its own people. You can’t help but ask, where is the empathy for Americans? Where is the accountability?

In the meantime, the real help is coming from elsewhere. Donald Trump has once again stepped up, raising over $2 million for the victims of Hurricane Helene. Not only has he sent trucks full of supplies to devastated areas, but he’s also proven, yet again, that leadership means action, not hollow words and virtue-signaling.

FEMA Is Broke, But the White House Isn’t Broke for Foreign Wars

Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas, traveling alongside Joe Biden in North Carolina, sheepishly admitted that FEMA would likely not have enough resources to cover the damage from Hurricane Helene. This is a direct consequence of the administration’s financial mismanagement. While American towns are drowning in floodwater, Washington, D.C., is more concerned with protecting its foreign interests and pandering to special interest groups than with taking care of its own people.

As the death toll rises and survivors struggle to rebuild their lives, many are left wondering how a government so quick to send billions overseas can fail to provide adequate relief for its own citizens.

Community Resilience in the Face of Government Failure

Despite the federal government’s failure, the communities impacted by Hurricane Helene have shown tremendous resilience. Local volunteers, churches, and grassroots organizations have stepped in where FEMA and other agencies have fallen short. People are donating food, water, clothing, and shelter to help those displaced by the storm. In many cases, these small organizations are the lifeline for families who feel abandoned by their government.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden continue their photo ops, offering little more than “thoughts and prayers” and token gestures of support. It’s clear that the administration is more concerned with optics than actual outcomes. What Americans need in times of disaster is leadership, decisive action, and a government that values their lives over political posturing.

The American People Deserve Better

As we look at the federal response to Hurricane Helene, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the American people deserve better. We are a Constitutional Republic, and in times of crisis, the government is supposed to protect its citizens and provide for their general welfare. Instead, what we are witnessing is a government that has lost sight of its primary responsibility to its own people.

The people impacted by Hurricane Helene are not asking for handouts—they are asking for a government that works for them, not against them. They want to know that their tax dollars are being used to help rebuild their communities, not to fund wars in foreign countries or support illegal immigration.

A Stark Choice for the Future

Hurricane Helene has laid bare the true priorities of the Biden-Harris administration. It’s not the safety and well-being of Americans. It’s not rebuilding after disaster strikes. Their priority is the expansion of government power, supporting globalist agendas, and placating special interest groups, all while ignoring the plight of everyday citizens.

In the wake of this disaster, we face a stark choice as a nation. Will we continue down the path of federal incompetence and mismanagement? Or will we stand up and demand accountability, reform, and a government that puts the American people first? The choice is ours, but the consequences of inaction are clear.

#GoRight Recap/Remix

Here’s the reality, folks: We’re witnessing a deliberate effort to suppress accountability while undermining the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. From CNN’s paywall to Trump’s demand for an apology, to Biden’s DOJ stonewalling investigations, the government and media are colluding to protect themselves while ordinary Americans suffer from the consequences of their incompetence. Whether it’s the mishandling of Hurricane Helene’s disaster response or Emhoff’s hidden misconduct, the truth is being swept under the rug.

Hurricane Helene has left a path of destruction in its wake, with a death toll of at least 190 and more still missing. While residents in places like North Carolina are struggling to survive in floodwaters, the federal response has been, in a word, shameful. Kamala Harris proudly announced that FEMA would provide $750 to victims for immediate needs—yes, $750. Meanwhile, the administration found billions to send to Ukraine but can’t seem to find the funds to help Americans suffering from a natural disaster. And to add insult to injury, FEMA is underfunded, partly because over a billion dollars of its budget was reallocated to support illegal immigration. Trump, once again stepping up, has not only sent much-needed supplies but has raised over $2 million for the victims.

At the end of the day, Hurricane Helene has shown us more than just the damage of a natural disaster. It has exposed the failures of our government to serve the very people it was created to protect. From FEMA’s pitiful response to the billions of dollars being funneled to illegal immigration and foreign wars, the message is clear: this administration is failing its own citizens.

But we are not powerless. We must demand accountability. We must #GoRight.

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