Igniting Concerns Over Separation of Church and State New Speaker of the House Stands Firm on Outdated Views
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

Igniting Concerns Over Separation of Church and State New Speaker of the House Stands Firm on Outdated Views
Igniting Concerns Over Separation of Church and State New Speaker of the House Stands Firm on Outdated Views
Mike Johnson, the recently appointed Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has sparked controversy by standing by remarks made 15 years ago regarding the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn state laws criminalizing sodomy. In a notable article, Johnson asserted, “Go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it – that’s my worldview. That’s what I believe, so I do not apologize for it.”
Johnson, who identifies as a Bible-believing Christian and serves as a senior counsel at the Alliance Defense Fund, staunchly opposed the Lawrence v. Texas ruling, emphasizing that the laws were not about the persecution of a minority but rather about states’ authority to regulate what he deemed as “dangerous sexual conduct.” He expressed concerns about the spread of STDs and HIV, linking them to male-on-male sexual acts—a viewpoint contested by health organizations like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Contrary to the Supreme Court’s stance in Lawrence v. Texas, Johnson insisted that there is “no right to sodomy in the Constitution.” His past predictions about the ruling’s impact on the culture war and the redefinition of marriage have proven unfounded, as the Supreme Court recognized the right of same-sex couples to marry in 2015.
Critics argue that Johnson’s unwavering adherence to views rooted in religious beliefs raises concerns about the separation of church and state, a foundational principle of the U.S. Constitution. They assert that the government should not endorse or enforce specific religious perspectives, especially when it comes to personal matters such as individuals’ sexual orientation.
The controversy surrounding Johnson’s statements underscores the ongoing tension between religious convictions and the constitutional principle of maintaining a secular government that respects the diversity of beliefs and lifestyles in America.
This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin
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