Illegal Immigration is Destroying the American Dream—Here’s How

Written by on October 23, 2024


Illegal Immigration is Destroying the American Dream—Here’s How

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Illegal Immigration is Destroying the American Dream—Here’s How

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the nonsense and get to the truth behind the headlines. And today, we’re talking about something that might surprise you—sports. Now, I used to think the news media had the monopoly on political bias, but it looks like the sports media is trying to outdo them.

Let me break it down for you: Recently, Donald Trump attended the NFL’s Steelers vs. Jets game, broadcast on NBC. And how many times did they show him on TV? Once. For four seconds. That’s right—four seconds. Now, let’s put that into perspective. When pop star Taylor Swift attends a game, she’s shown an average of seven times, with some shots lasting up to 30 seconds. You have to ask—why the glaring difference?

This isn’t just about football or fanfare; it’s about media bias in every arena, even in our sports. Whether it’s news, entertainment, or now sports, the media is showing us that they’re not interested in being fair—they’re interested in controlling the narrative. If we don’t speak out and push back, that bias only grows stronger.

But that’s where you come in. As we approach election season, it’s more important than ever to stay informed and make your voice heard. Whether it’s on the field, in the newsroom, or at the ballot box, we have to call out bias wherever we see it. And you can do that by voting.

Stick with us at #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we’ll continue to break down the stories that matter, expose the bias, and fight for the truth. Because it’s not just about left vs. right—it’s about right vs. wrong.



Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the misinformation and bring you the real stories impacting our nation. Here, we uphold the principles of liberty as outlined by our Founders, with a commitment to truth, fairness, and the well-being of our Constitutional Republic. Let’s dive into the key issues of the day from

Biden-Kamala’s Reckless Spending Continues
Once again, the Biden-Harris administration has sent another $400 million to Ukraine, all while Americans struggle to pay for basic needs at home. The question is—where are our priorities? The American people deserve leadership that puts our country first, not one that sends our hard-earned money overseas without a clear plan for how it benefits us here at home. This is why it’s so important that we vote for leaders who understand the value of our Constitutional Republic and who will focus on our nation’s needs before others.

Steve Bannon’s Imminent Release Signals a Turning Point
Conservative strategist Steve Bannon, a fierce defender of American values, is set to be released from jail soon, and his return to the political scene could be a game changer. For months, his absence has been felt, but his release serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience of those willing to fight for what’s right in America. His voice will undoubtedly push back against the corruption that’s plagued this administration, and we’ll be watching closely.

Kamala Harris Retreats from the Campaign Trail
As the election inches closer, Kamala Harris’s campaign has spent $270 million just this past month—yet instead of rallying voters in swing states, she’s spending more time preparing for interviews with CNN and NBC. This is a significant sign that her campaign is floundering. Two weeks away from the election, candidates should be out in full force, not trying to change minds with media appearances. But this doesn’t mean we should take anything for granted. Every vote counts, and voting early, especially in swing states, will be key to ensuring the future of our nation.

Leaked U.S. Intelligence: A Threat to National Security?
In a shocking breach of trust, classified U.S. intelligence detailing Israeli plans to strike Iran has been leaked to a pro-Iranian group. The fact that this sensitive information was posted publicly raises serious questions. Was this an intentional act by the Biden regime, or is there a rogue element within our intelligence agencies? Either way, it highlights the dangerous lack of accountability under this administration. Strong leadership is critical to protecting national security, and we must elect leaders who will restore integrity to the highest levels of our government.

As we move toward Election Day, remember that your vote is your voice. In this crucial moment, the future of our Constitutional Republic is on the line. The time to act is now—vote early, vote wisely, and let’s ensure that liberty and justice prevail for all Americans.

Stay tuned for more on #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we stand for truth, liberty, and the enduring strength of our great nation.


Welcome back to #GoRight with Peter Boykin

This election isn’t just about the candidates. It’s about the direction of our country. And your vote is your voice. Swing states will be the battlegrounds that decide the future of this nation. Don’t wait until the last minute—vote early, and make sure your voice is heard. Let’s ensure that our Constitutional Republic thrives for future generations.

The Real Price of the American Dream

The price of achieving the American Dream has skyrocketed to a staggering $4.4 million this year, pushing that cherished ideal further out of reach for millions of hardworking Americans. This sharp increase is driven primarily by the relentless rise in inflation under the Biden-Harris administration, which has sent everyday costs soaring.

Breaking Down the Costs:

According to an analysis by Investopedia, the price tag for hitting major life milestones has increased by a whopping $1 million from just a year ago. Here’s a closer look at the financial burdens now associated with key elements of the American Dream:

– Retirement: $1,599,995
– Buying a Home: $929,955
– Raising Two Children and Paying for College: $832,172
– Purchasing New Cars: $811,440
– Weddings: $44,300
– Caring for Pets: $36,626
– Annual Vacations: $179,109
– Funeral Costs: $8,453

This comprehensive breakdown paints a grim picture for those striving to achieve the traditional markers of success in America.

Inflation: The Culprit Behind Rising Costs

The central factor driving this dramatic increase in living costs is inflation. Caleb Silver, chief editor at Investopedia, points out that inflation has surged by 21% under the Biden-Harris regime, hitting Americans squarely in their wallets. From groceries and gas to housing and healthcare, the price of everything has gone up, making it increasingly difficult for average Americans to keep up. As inflation continues to rise unchecked, so too does the cost of pursuing the American Dream.

A Dream Deferred

The effects of this economic pressure are being felt across the nation. A recent poll revealed that 41% of Americans believe the American Dream is now impossible to achieve. Many young families are putting off buying homes, delaying having children, and cutting back on other milestones that previous generations took for granted. With wages failing to keep pace with the cost of living, more Americans are wondering if the dream of upward mobility and financial stability is slipping through their fingers.

The Trump Factor: A Vision for the Future

In contrast to the current administration’s economic challenges, Donald Trump recently penned an article in Newsweek offering a different path forward. Trump’s vision focuses on rebuilding America’s economic foundation through what he calls a “New American Industrialism.” His plan promises to create millions of high-paying jobs, raise wages, and turn the U.S. back into a global manufacturing powerhouse. By bringing jobs back to America, Trump aims to restore the American Dream to a reality that’s attainable for all, not just the wealthy.

Why It Matters:

The American Dream is more than a concept—it’s the promise of opportunity, freedom, and prosperity that has driven this nation forward for generations. But as the costs of basic life milestones continue to soar, Americans are increasingly finding themselves priced out of their own aspirations. In this time of economic uncertainty, voting for leadership that prioritizes the prosperity of American workers and families becomes more crucial than ever.

As we approach a critical election, voters must decide which leaders are best equipped to bring the American Dream back within reach.


Kamala the Fracking Liar

Kamala Harris is once again under fire for her shifting stance on a crucial issue—fracking. The vice president, who has consistently wavered on this topic throughout her political career, is now claiming she supports fracking, despite previously advocating for a ban. This flip-flopping on one of the most critical issues for American energy independence raises questions about her credibility.

The Flip-Flop

Kamala’s campaign recently found itself in hot water after Camila Thorndike, Harris’ climate engagement director, said: “She’s not promoting the expansion of fracking. She’s just said that they wouldn’t ban fracking.” This statement directly contradicts Harris’ earlier remarks. During an interview in August, she told CNN’s Dana Bash that she had no intention of banning fracking, saying: “As Vice President, I did not ban fracking. As president, I would not ban fracking.”

But here’s where the inconsistency lies. During the 2019 Democratic primaries, Harris made it clear she was in favor of a ban, stating, “There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking.” This makes her latest claims seem like an attempt to walk back previous commitments in an effort to appeal to voters in swing states where fracking jobs are essential. In many ways, this flip-flopping is reminiscent of a European soccer player’s dramatic on-field dives—designed to fool the audience, but obvious to anyone paying attention.

What’s Really at Stake?

At its core, this debate over fracking goes beyond political rhetoric. Fracking is vital to the U.S. energy industry, contributing to both energy independence and the livelihood of many American workers. Kamala’s recent stance attempts to toe the line between appeasing environmentalists and not alienating workers in states like Pennsylvania, where fracking is a key issue.

However, if she restricts new leases for fracking, even without calling for an outright ban, the effect could be just as damaging to the industry. Kamala may think she’s playing a clever word game, but voters aren’t so easily fooled. By limiting the expansion of fracking, her policies could undermine the long-term health of this vital sector, jeopardizing American jobs and the nation’s energy security.

The Backpedal

To make matters worse, after her climate engagement director’s comments caused a stir, Thorndike attempted to clarify, saying, “I didn’t explain myself clearly here. Contrary to Trump’s claims, the VP has not banned fracking.” This constant need to clarify statements only adds to the confusion and makes it difficult for voters to trust where Harris truly stands on the issue.

Industry Response

The U.S. Oil & Gas Association, known for its biting commentary, took to social media to call out Harris’ constant reversals. They trolled her campaign on X, saying: “Wait! Change of plan from earlier this morning… As of this afternoon, Harris now supports fracking which is a change of position from this morning in which they opposed fracking… Which was a change from their July position in which they supported fracking… Which was a change from their June position in which they… Opposed fracking. Got it? Got it.”

This mocking tone reflects the growing frustration felt by those in the energy sector who have been whiplashed by Kamala’s constantly shifting positions. It’s not just about a change in rhetoric—it’s about policy decisions that impact real jobs, real families, and the future of American energy independence.

Why It Matters

As we inch closer to Election Day, Kamala’s repeated flip-flops on fracking illustrate a deeper issue—her inability to stick to a position when political winds shift. This lack of consistency is critical in an election where voters need to know where candidates stand on key issues like energy independence, jobs, and the economy.

For the American people, especially those in swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, this issue goes beyond political games—it’s about livelihoods and the future of our nation’s energy policy. Voters must weigh the consequences of supporting a candidate who has yet to demonstrate a firm stance on this vital issue.

In the end, it’s clear Kamala Harris is playing both sides, but the American people deserve leaders who are straightforward and consistent, especially on issues as critical as energy independence. The stakes are too high for political gamesmanship.


Illegal Immigration: The Root of Economic and Social Discontent

In recent years, illegal immigration has become a critical issue plaguing America, with ripple effects that span across economic, social, and security concerns. While some argue that immigration strengthens the nation, the reality is that illegal immigration, in particular, brings with it a host of unplanned, unregulated, and unwanted consequences. As we examine the situation objectively, it becomes clear that illegal immigration—not lawful, regulated immigration—is at the heart of many of America’s current economic and social problems.

Economic Disruption

One of the most significant challenges illegal immigration poses is its effect on the American job market. As companies move towards modernization and technology-driven solutions, there are already fewer opportunities for the blue-collar, factory jobs that once sustained the middle class. Coupled with this, illegal immigrants often enter the labor market willing to accept substandard wages and conditions, making it harder for American citizens to find jobs that pay fair wages. Employers exploit this, hiring illegal workers to reduce costs, but it leads to widespread job displacement for American citizens.

Moreover, illegal immigrants tend to settle in low-income neighborhoods where affordable housing is already scarce. Since many are used to overcrowded living conditions, they can afford to share homes in undesirable areas, driving up demand and prices for housing that used to be within reach of low-income American citizens. This causes a housing squeeze that hurts American families, particularly those living in economically disadvantaged areas. By crowding into affordable housing and accepting substandard conditions, illegal immigrants raise the cost of living and make it more difficult for legal residents to find decent housing at reasonable prices.

Social Strain and Crime

Socially, the influx of illegal immigrants has contributed to a deterioration of quality of life in certain areas. The growing presence of foreign-born gangs, particularly from Latin America, has led to increased crime rates in urban centers. In cities like New York, reports have shown how certain neighborhoods have been taken over by criminal organizations linked to illegal immigrants, creating unsafe environments for families and law-abiding residents. The problem is compounded by the fact that law enforcement resources are stretched thin as they deal with the growing number of noncitizens committing violent crimes.

Contrary to some studies that claim illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born citizens, real-world data paints a different picture. While it’s true that not every illegal immigrant is a criminal, the criminal elements among them are responsible for a significant share of violent crimes, including gang violence and drug trafficking. These illegal activities devastate communities, making it difficult for law-abiding citizens to feel safe in their own neighborhoods.

The Strain on Public Resources

Illegal immigration also burdens public resources, such as healthcare, education, and welfare services. Hospitals in border states are overwhelmed by the need to provide emergency care for illegal immigrants, often without receiving any compensation. School districts, particularly in states like Texas and California, are also struggling to accommodate an influx of non-English-speaking students, which requires additional resources, teachers, and funding to provide quality education. Taxpayers are left to foot the bill for services provided to illegal immigrants, putting a strain on an already overburdened system.

Moreover, illegal immigrants who work under the table often do not contribute to social security or other public benefits programs, yet they still make use of services designed for citizens and legal residents. This leads to a significant financial imbalance where American taxpayers are shouldering the cost of supporting individuals who are not contributing their fair share to the system.

Flawed Notions

The notion that illegal immigration is harmless or even beneficial to the U.S. is deeply flawed. The economic and social issues tied to unregulated, illegal immigration are undeniable. From job displacement and housing shortages to crime and the strain on public resources, the evidence points to illegal immigration as a major cause of many of the problems America faces today.

While lawful immigration can be beneficial and has long played a role in building America, illegal immigration is a different story. It undermines the system that is designed to welcome immigrants in a fair, orderly, and regulated manner. For the sake of American workers, the economy, and national security, it is crucial to address and resolve the issues stemming from illegal immigration, instead of turning a blind eye to the real problems it causes. Ignoring these issues only exacerbates the economic struggles and social unrest that have become all too common in many parts of the country.

The solution lies in enforcing immigration laws, securing the borders, and ensuring that those who come to the United States do so legally, contributing positively to the nation’s future rather than exacerbating its challenges.



#GoRight Recap/Remix:

The American Dream is slipping further out of reach, with the cost now skyrocketing to $4.4 million, driven by inflation under the Biden-Harris regime. Kamala Harris can’t seem to decide if she’s for or against fracking, flip-flopping like a soccer player trying to win over voters. And let’s not ignore the hard truth—illegal immigration is straining our economy, driving up housing prices, and creating social issues like crime in major cities. The stakes are high, and we can’t afford to ignore what’s happening.

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Stay tuned for more updates on #GoRight with Peter Boykin and remember it’s not just about left versus right, it’s about right versus wrong.




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