In a Lazy Move Kamala Harris Once Again Calls Trump Hitler

Written by on October 24, 2024


In a Lazy Move, Kamala Harris Once Again Calls Trump “Hitler”!

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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In a Lazy Move, Kamala Harris Once Again Calls Trump “Hitler”!

Welcome, patriots, to another episode of #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we stand for liberty, truth, and the future of our great Constitutional Republic. Today, we’ve got some powerful stories to cover as we dive deep into the issues that matter most for our country’s future.

Before we get into today’s headlines, let me set the stage with this: Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard recently made a bombshell announcement during a rally in North Carolina—she’s officially joining the Republican Party. Gabbard, once a rising star on the left, cited Donald Trump’s leadership as the driving reason behind her decision. Now, folks, let me tell you, I’ll gladly trade Tulsi Gabbard for Liz Cheney any day of the week! Gabbard represents a growing number of Americans who recognize that the Democratic Party has veered too far left and abandoned the principles that built this nation. The GOP is becoming a home for patriots like her, who believe in liberty, the Constitution, and the sovereignty of the American people.

Stay tuned—because what happens next could determine the course of our Republic for generations to come.

You know, folks, politics in this country has taken some wild twists and turns lately. But this one caught my attention and says a lot about where we’re headed as a Constitutional Republic.

With that, let’s dive into some of the biggest stories shaping our political landscape, especially as we near one of the most crucial elections in our lifetime.


Fox News Says It Will Take Four Days for Election Results

Fox News recently reported that it could take up to four days to get the full results of the upcoming election. Now, this is a major red flag for anyone who cares about the integrity of our election process. Why on earth should it take four days to count votes in the most technologically advanced country in the world? This delay only fuels the concerns about potential fraud or manipulation, especially with so many states allowing expanded mail-in voting.

As we saw in 2020, delayed results lead to confusion, distrust, and a mountain of lawsuits. This is not how elections should be handled in our Constitutional Republic. We deserve transparency, accountability, and timely results—anything less undermines the trust Americans should have in their electoral system.


The Kamala Harris TRUMP IS HITLER “October Surprise”

Kamala Harris’ recent attack on Donald Trump, comparing him to Adolf Hitler and warning of dictatorial behavior if he wins a second term, is one of the most dramatic moves by the Biden-Harris campaign so far in the election. The speech, delivered from the symbolic backdrop of the Vice President’s residence, amplifies growing concerns from within and outside the Democratic Party that Trump could pose a serious threat to democratic norms and institutions if re-elected.

The Hitler Comparison: High Stakes Accusation

Harris’ use of Hitler as a point of comparison is striking and controversial. Drawing on comments allegedly made by Trump, including his former chief of staff John Kelly’s claims that Trump admired Hitler’s leadership style, Harris framed Trump as someone who craves unchecked power. By invoking Hitler—responsible for genocide and authoritarian rule—Harris is not just attacking Trump’s character but positioning him as an existential threat to democracy. This tactic plays into a broader narrative that the Biden-Harris campaign has been pushing, especially as Trump’s legal battles and rhetoric about the “deep state” escalate.

The timing of this accusation, just days before the election, suggests a strategic move aimed at energizing the Democratic base and undecided voters. Harris is signaling that a second Trump term could have grave consequences for American governance, aligning Trump with autocratic tendencies and warning that the checks and balances that constrained him in his first term might not hold in the next.

John Kelly’s Testimony: A Credible Source?

The backbone of Harris’ argument comes from John Kelly, Trump’s longest-serving chief of staff. Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, offers a compelling insider perspective. He has gone on record with claims that Trump made several concerning statements about authoritarian leadership, including admiration for Hitler and his military structure. Kelly’s credibility as a military figure and his proximity to Trump during his administration lend weight to these accusations, making them harder for the Trump campaign to dismiss outright.

Kelly’s allegations, which also include claims that Trump belittled American military members, play into an existing narrative that Trump disrespects foundational American values like service and sacrifice. This narrative could damage Trump’s appeal to key voter groups, including veterans and military families, particularly in swing states.

Trump’s Campaign Response: Standing Strong

Trump’s campaign swiftly dismissed Harris’ remarks, characterizing them as another baseless attack in a series of false claims aimed at discrediting him. They highlighted that Kelly’s accusations have been thoroughly “debunked” and criticized Harris for engaging in inflammatory rhetoric, warning that her remarks could potentially incite dangerous reactions.

Trump, as always, remained unapologetic in defending himself, labeling Harris as “lazy” and questioning her leadership abilities. This no-nonsense approach is consistent with his strong stance against political opponents, where he challenges the credibility and track record of those who, in his view, fail to deliver results. Trump’s response is seen by his supporters as a necessary pushback against dishonest attacks, keeping his focus on exposing the failures of his critics, much like he did in his successful campaign against Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Strategic Timing and Impact

Harris’ comments come at a critical juncture as polls show a tight race. The comparison to Hitler, while risky, may energize Democrats who fear a return of Trump to the White House. It also serves as a direct challenge to undecided voters who may still be weighing concerns about Trump’s temperament and respect for democratic institutions.

Moreover, Harris’ speech, set against the backdrop of an unusually political event at the Vice President’s residence, breaks tradition in both content and context. The Naval Observatory is rarely used for overtly political statements, which underscores the gravity the Biden-Harris campaign places on this message.

This “October Surprise” could have significant ramifications, not just in shaping public perception of Trump in the final days of the campaign but also in framing the stakes of the election itself as a choice between democracy and dictatorship.



Trump will appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast

Donald Trump’s upcoming appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast has the potential to be a major moment in the 2024 campaign. Rogan’s reach is vast, with his podcast attracting millions of viewers, and his influence, especially among independent and younger male voters, aligns with the demographic Trump is actively courting. This gives Trump a unique opportunity to connect with voters who are not typically tied to either major political party and who may be open to his messaging on free speech, medical freedom, and anti-establishment rhetoric.

Rogan’s Influence

Joe Rogan is known for fostering open, often long-form conversations that aren’t constrained by typical media soundbites. His audience values this unscripted approach, and it aligns with Trump’s preference for off-the-cuff discussions rather than highly structured interviews. The podcast format gives Trump a chance to speak at length, dive into controversial topics, and shape his narrative without the filters of traditional media. This is especially valuable in today’s politically polarized environment, where Trump has often clashed with mainstream outlets.

Shifting Dynamics

While Rogan has been critical of Trump in the past, his stance has softened, with more recent comments defending Trump against media and legal attacks. This evolution could set the stage for a more balanced and nuanced discussion, where Trump can address past criticisms while making his case to Rogan’s massive audience. Rogan’s appeal to independent-minded listeners, along with his embrace of free speech and opposition to “woke” culture, aligns well with Trump’s campaign messaging.

Podcasts as a Key Strategy

In recent months, Trump has made podcast appearances a crucial part of his campaign strategy, appearing on shows that reach diverse audiences. By participating in long-form podcasts with figures like Patrick Bet-David and Andrew Schulz, Trump has been able to reach younger, more independent voters in a way that traditional campaign stops or interviews can’t match. These platforms allow Trump to bypass traditional media gatekeepers, which have often been critical of him, and speak directly to an engaged, curious, and often skeptical audience.

Kamala Harris and Rogan

While Trump is taking advantage of this moment, Kamala Harris is reportedly in talks to appear on Rogan’s show as well. However, it may be a tough sell for her campaign. Rogan’s audience is skeptical of politicians who rely on scripted answers, and Harris, who has faced criticism for her communication style, may struggle in this unscripted, long-form format. Additionally, following Trump’s appearance might make it look as though she’s playing catch-up, which could weaken the impact of any potential interview.

Timing and Momentum

Trump’s move to appear on Rogan’s podcast fits into his broader strategy of keeping momentum high at critical moments in the campaign. Whether it’s serving fast food to first responders or appearing on influential podcasts, Trump understands how to use media appearances to shape the narrative and build support. With the 2024 election heating up, this Rogan interview represents another strategic play in Trump’s effort to secure key voter demographics, and it’s happening at a time when every move matters.



Let’s break down these headlines further:

💸 U.S. Loan to Ukraine

The U.S. is set to contribute up to $20 billion as part of a larger G7 loan package to Ukraine, which is significant financial aid during Ukraine’s ongoing conflict with Russia. The criticism here stems from concerns that Ukraine might never repay such a large loan. Many conservative voices, like yours, argue that U.S. taxpayer dollars should not be tied to international conflicts, especially when the return on investment is uncertain. Critics feel this could further burden U.S. finances, especially with Ukraine’s uncertain future due to the ongoing war.

📺 FCC Commissioner and CBS’s Selective Editing

FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington has called for an investigation into CBS’s editing of Kamala Harris’s “60 Minutes” interview. The concern is that selective editing can distort political narratives, impacting public perception. This allegation plays into broader worries about media bias, particularly among conservative circles, who often claim that mainstream media shields Democrats from scrutiny or reshapes narratives to their advantage.

👿 Bill Gates’ Donation to Kamala Harris Super PAC

Bill Gates reportedly donated $50 million to a super PAC supporting Kamala Harris for president. Critics argue that Gates, as a billionaire with immense influence, is using his wealth to shape politics in favor of progressive policies Harris advocates. Many conservatives are skeptical of elite billionaires funding politicians, as it raises questions about policy influence and control that could clash with populist or Constitutionalist values. The move has heightened concerns about the role of big money in elections.

📁 Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin’s “Profound Friendship”

The meeting between China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin underscores the growing alliance between two powerful adversaries of the West. Both leaders framed their relationship as a response to what they see as “profound changes” on the global stage—code for a shift in power away from the West. This could signal more coordinated efforts between China and Russia, particularly in opposing U.S. foreign policy objectives. Many see this partnership as a significant challenge to global stability and U.S. dominance.

📁 Rudy Giuliani Ordered to Hand Over Property

A federal judge ordered Rudy Giuliani to forfeit personal assets, including his Manhattan apartment, to satisfy a $148 million defamation judgment brought by two election workers. This follows Giuliani’s role in promoting false claims about the 2020 election. Many conservatives view Giuliani as a hero who stood up against what they believe was a rigged election. The judgment is seen by critics as part of a broader effort to target and financially cripple those who challenged the 2020 results, potentially suppressing future dissent.

Each of these stories ties into broader narratives about political bias, economic strain, global alliances shifting away from the U.S., and ongoing fallout from the 2020 election, all key topics for conservative and Constitutionalist voices.

18 million have already voted. Here’s what we know.

With two weeks remaining until Election Day, over 18 million Americans have already cast their ballots through early voting or mail-in voting. This year, Republicans are making significant gains in early voting compared to previous cycles, cutting the Democratic lead to 10%, down from a 22% gap in 2020. This trend could play a crucial role in swing states, where party breakdowns show Republicans outperforming their 2020 numbers.

State-by-State Analysis

– Nevada: Republicans lead early voting, holding 39% compared to Democrats’ 36.7%. This marks a 6% shift toward the GOP compared to 2020.
– Pennsylvania: Democrats still dominate early voting with 61.7%, but Republicans have improved their share to 28.6%, representing an 8% GOP gain.
– Arizona: Republicans are ahead with 41.9%, while Democrats are at 36.3%, reflecting a 4.5% Republican increase from 2020.
– North Carolina: The two parties are nearly tied, with Democrats slightly ahead at 34.5% to the GOP’s 33.9%. Despite the close numbers, this is still a 3.5% improvement for Republicans from 2020.

Republican Gains vs. 2020

Across all four key states, early voting trends show significant movement toward Republicans. Trump’s base appears to be energized and mobilized compared to 2020, likely a result of his continued influence and messaging.

Trump’s Call to Action

Former President Trump has actively encouraged his supporters to vote early. His call for immediate action is not just about maximizing turnout but also about allowing the GOP campaign to focus on mobilizing voters who haven’t yet participated. By getting ballots in early, Republicans can redirect resources and focus on those who are less likely to vote unless persuaded.

The Ultimate Strategy

The strategy behind early voting is simple: bank as many votes as possible early on to allow the campaigns to focus their efforts on turnout. Republicans’ success in closing the early voting gap could signal a more competitive election, with Trump currently leading in seven key battleground states according to RealClearPolitics polling averages.

These shifts suggest momentum for Republicans in several crucial states, setting the stage for what could be a closely contested election.


#GoRight Recap/Remix:

Today, we covered some explosive headlines: Donald Trump is headed to Joe Rogan’s podcast, where he’ll likely reach millions of independent voters. Kamala Harris is sounding alarms, comparing Trump to Hitler in a reckless political attack that could backfire. Early voting is in full swing, and Republicans are narrowing the gap from 2020—momentum is on our side. And finally, Fox News warns that election results could be delayed by days—something that should concern every American who values election integrity.

That’s all for today, patriots. To stay up to date, visit for more information. Check us out on, and look for #GoRight with Peter Boykin on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter). And remember, you can help support this movement by donating on Cash App: $PeterBoykin1. All the links are available at and

Let’s keep fighting for liberty and the future of our Constitutional Republic. Until next time—#GoRight!



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