Joe Biden has a plan to kill gas water heaters
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist

Joe Biden has a plan to kill gas water heaters
Joe Biden has a plan to kill gas water heaters
The Biden regime laid out plans to enforce new regulations for water heaters. The scheme threatens to phase out cost-effective gas heaters from the market.
Today, roughly 60% of homes use gas water heaters and 40% use electricity. Overall, water heating is responsible for roughly 13% of residential energy usage.
The proposed regulations, which would take effect in 2029, impose higher efficiency standards for home water heaters. Americans who choose to stick with gas-fired water heaters would need to upgrade to ‘condensing technology’ units, which are more energy efficient. However, non-condensing gas water heaters are much cheaper and smaller, meaning they’re cheaper to install.
What the Biden regime says: U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm argues these regulations would save consumers $198 billion over a 30-year period.
I did the math… That’s a whopping $4.16 per month in savings. [based on an estimated 131.2 million U.S. households]
GOP Rep. Thomas Massie fired back at the proposal, tweeting: “Leave us alone. These products already exist in the free market. Consumers should decide whether the upfront cost of a heat-pump water heater is worth the possible long term savings. In many cases, the monthly savings never make up for the upfront cost of the equipment.”
Over the past year the Biden regime has also rolled out new energy standards for gas stoves, clothes washing machines, refrigerators, dishwashers, and air conditioners.
…there’s no corner of your home that the Biden regime is not willing to stick their grubby fingers.