Kamala Blames Trump while Teamsters Exit

Written by on September 20, 2024


Kamala Blames Trump while Teamsters Exit

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Kamala Blames Trump while Teamsters Exit

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we dive into the facts and cut through the noise to bring you real, unbiased news from all angles—right, left, and center. As always, our goal is to inform, not censor, because in this Constitutional Republic, freedom of speech reigns supreme. Today, we’re unpacking major headlines that have far-reaching implications for our country, our economy, and our way of life.

Detailing the Headlines:

First, let’s start with the rise of Donald Trump’s favorability, which jumped five points to 46%, while Kamala Harris saw her rating drop two points to 44%, according to a Gallup poll. The numbers suggest that more Americans are reevaluating what the current administration has done—or failed to do—for the country. Harris’ focus on her so-called “joy” campaign is starting to wear thin as real-world issues like the border crisis, inflation, and national security concerns take precedence for many voters.

54% Support for Mass Deportations
A revealing poll shows 54% of Americans now favor mass deportation of illegal immigrants. With the border crisis being a hot topic, especially considering recent allegations that the Biden-Harris regime suppressed data showing an increase in illegal crossings tied to terrorism, this isn’t surprising. People want action, and this data reflects a growing concern about national security and immigration policies.

House Rejects Proof of Citizenship Voting Requirement
Speaker Mike Johnson’s proposal to link temporary federal funding with proof of citizenship for voter registration was shot down by the House. This was a significant move, especially with election integrity being a crucial issue for many Americans. The rejection raises questions about why some lawmakers resist policies that ensure only eligible citizens can vote in our elections.

Iranian Election Interference
In other alarming news, the FBI has confirmed that Iranian hackers sent confidential Trump campaign documents to Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. With foreign interference being a focal point of previous election cycles, you have to wonder if the media will give this story the same weight it gave to claims of Russian interference in 2016.

Eye Injuries at Trump Rally
In Arizona, multiple Trump supporters have reported experiencing mysterious eye injuries during one of Trump’s rallies. These individuals have come forward, stating they had to seek medical attention due to the unbearable pain. It’s an odd, unexplained phenomenon that has left people with more questions than answers.

Kamala Blames Trump After Woman Dies from Her Legal Abortion

In an attempt to shift blame, Vice President Kamala Harris has pointed fingers at Donald Trump for the tragic death of Amber Thurman, a Georgia woman who passed away after complications from a legal abortion. However, the facts of the case reveal a more complicated story. Thurman’s death was linked to complications from taking an abortion pill, not any restrictions that Trump imposed.

The backstory: Amber Thurman sought to end her pregnancy in 2022 when she was carrying twins. As she lived in Georgia, a state where abortion is prohibited after a fetal heartbeat is detected, she traveled to North Carolina for the procedure. Due to her late arrival, she was given Mifepristone, an abortion pill designed to terminate early-stage pregnancies. While the pill was successful in ending the pregnancy, it failed to completely clear the fetal remains from her body, leading to an infection—a known risk of such procedures.

Harris wasted no time in politicizing Thurman’s death. She posted on her X account, claiming Thurman “should be alive today” if not for what she termed “Trump Abortion Bans.” Harris has used this incident to support her argument that overturning Roe v. Wade has led to a healthcare crisis. Yet, the reality is that Thurman died from complications of an abortion procedure that Harris and her allies advocate for expanding.

The truth is clear: Donald Trump did not create a nationwide abortion ban. He has repeatedly affirmed that he prefers leaving the issue to the states, where individual voters can decide the law. Harris, however, has turned abortion into the centerpiece of her political agenda, and using Thurman’s death to advance her platform demonstrates the extreme lengths to which she will go. This tragedy did not arise from a lack of abortion options—it resulted from a procedure that the Vice President supports.

Economic Impact: The Federal Reserve Cuts Interest Rates
The Federal Reserve recently cut interest rates by 0.5%, the first reduction in four years. Some see this move as politically motivated, with many believing it’s intended to bolster Kamala Harris’ chances in the upcoming election. Cutting rates this close to election time raises concerns about whether the Fed is truly independent, as it claims, or swayed by political winds.

California’s New Censorship Law
Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill banning digital “disinformation” during elections. While the intent may seem noble, the term “disinformation” is highly subjective. Just think back to all the claims labeled as “disinformation” during Covid that later turned out to be true. This law feels more like an attempt to censor dissenting opinions rather than protect public discourse.

Border Patrol Whistleblower
A top Border Patrol official has come forward, alleging that the current administration ordered him not to release data showing that individuals with terrorist ties are crossing our borders. If true, this cover-up could put national security at even greater risk, raising serious concerns about how this administration is handling immigration and border safety.

Rising Poison Center Calls for Kids Overdosing on Energy Drinks
Another issue that has flown under the radar is the rise in poison center calls, which jumped 20% in 2023 due to kids overdosing on energy drinks. With these drinks becoming more accessible to younger consumers, it’s crucial for parents to be aware of the dangers.

Trump Proposes Cap on Credit Card Interest Rates
In a move that would directly impact consumers, Donald Trump has proposed a temporary 10% cap on credit card interest rates. Given the rising cost of living and increasing reliance on credit, this proposal could bring some much-needed relief to struggling Americans.

Teamsters Withhold Endorsement—A Major Blow to Kamala Harris

In another significant setback for Kamala Harris, the Teamsters Union, a labor organization with deep historical roots in American politics, has chosen not to endorse her presidential campaign. This is a major loss for Harris, as the Teamsters have consistently endorsed Democratic candidates for over 30 years.

The facts: The Teamsters Union, one of the most powerful labor unions in the United States, announced they would not endorse any candidate in the presidential race. This decision came in the wake of two internal polls that revealed overwhelming support for Donald Trump among the union’s members. In an electronic poll, 59.6% of Teamsters supported Trump, while only 34% backed Harris. A similar phone survey found that 58% of members favored Trump, compared to just 31% for Harris.

Why this matters: The Teamsters, representing over 1.3 million workers, are influential in key battleground states. In Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan—states critical for a presidential victory—there are over 165,000 Teamsters members. Losing their endorsement may not only hurt Harris’ credibility with working-class voters but also have electoral consequences.

Trump’s response was sharp. He pointed out the significance of this decision, especially considering the union’s long-standing Democratic lean. He noted that while the Teamsters may not endorse Republicans, their refusal to back Harris speaks volumes. “It’s a great honor. They’re not going to endorse the Democrats,” Trump said.

This is a historic loss for Harris. The last time a Democratic candidate failed to secure the Teamsters’ endorsement was in 1988 when Michael Dukakis ran for president. The Teamsters’ decision underscores a growing divide within the Democratic Party’s traditional working-class base, as many union members are now gravitating toward Trump’s message of economic revival and job security.

#GoRight Recap/Remix:

Trump’s favorability is on the rise while Kamala Harris sees a dip, signaling a shift in public perception. Meanwhile, more than half of Americans support mass deportation of illegal immigrants as national security concerns grow. The House rejected Speaker Johnson’s proof of citizenship voting requirement, sparking debate over the integrity of future elections. Iranian election interference has come to light, yet it’s unclear how much attention this will receive in mainstream media. Meanwhile, Trump fans report strange eye injuries after attending one of his rallies.

Interest rates were cut by the Federal Reserve, with suspicions of political motives swirling as the election approaches. California’s new “disinformation” law is drawing attention for its potential to stifle free speech. Concerns over border security have deepened after a whistleblower revealed the suppression of terrorist-linked data. And finally, Trump’s proposal to cap credit card interest rates could bring much-needed financial relief to many.

Kamala Harris has put abortion front and center in her campaign, but her accusations against Donald Trump over the death of a Georgia woman from a legal abortion procedure stretch the truth. Amber Thurman’s death was a tragic result of complications from the procedure itself, not from any policies linked to Trump. Harris’ attempt to politicize this tragedy only adds to the disillusionment many feel with her leadership.

Meanwhile, the Teamsters Union’s decision not to endorse Harris in the presidential race is a historic setback. For over three decades, the Teamsters have supported Democratic candidates, but internal polling revealed strong backing for Donald Trump. This could be a major blow for Harris, particularly in key swing states where union members could tip the electoral balance.

In both cases, Harris finds herself at odds with crucial voter groups—working-class union members and a broader electorate increasingly skeptical of her leadership. As she pushes her campaign forward, it remains to be seen how these developments will impact her ability to unite a divided

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This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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