Kamala Harris Debate Flip-Flops Election Integrity and National Security Concerns

Written by on August 28, 2024


Kamala Harris Debate Flip-Flops Election Integrity and National Security Concerns

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Kamala Harris Debate Flip-Flops Election Integrity and National Security Concerns

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin. Today, we’re examining critical issues that highlight the challenges within our Constitutional Republic and emphasize the importance of safeguarding our liberties. We’ll be focusing on a significant legal development that could profoundly impact the rule of law and the political landscape in our nation. We’ll also be focusing on key developments in the 2024 presidential race—events that not only reveal Kamala Harris’s leadership approach but also raise serious questions about her preparedness to lead our nation.



Kamala Harris’s Debate Reversal and the Need for Support Raise Concerns About Her Readiness

First, Kamala Harris has agreed to her first interview since the Democrats orchestrated a political maneuver to replace Joe Biden with her as the frontrunner. But there’s a catch: she won’t be facing the questions alone. Her running mate, Tim ‘Stolen Valor’ Walz, will be joining her, presumably to provide support in case Harris struggles to articulate her positions clearly. It’s quite telling that someone who aspires to be commander-in-chief feels the need to have a partner by her side during such a critical moment.

This brings us to the upcoming presidential debate with Donald Trump, scheduled to be hosted by ABC. Harris has agreed to participate, but not without some initial hesitation and demands. Initially, she pushed for a sit-down format and even requested access to notes during the debate—conditions that would have fundamentally altered the dynamic of the event. These demands raised serious questions about her confidence and ability to handle the spontaneous, high-pressure environment that a presidential debate demands.

However, after much criticism and likely realizing the negative optics of these requests, Harris has backtracked and agreed to the original terms of the debate. This reversal is significant—it suggests that she may have recognized the need to appear more prepared and confident, yet it also exposes a pattern of inconsistency in her approach. This isn’t the first time Harris has reversed a stance under pressure, and such flip-flops are becoming a concerning hallmark of her campaign.

The upcoming debate will be a pivotal moment. It will put Harris’s ability to think on her feet and engage directly with Trump to the test, without the safety nets she initially sought. Trump, known for his assertive and direct debating style, will likely seize this opportunity to challenge Harris on her record and question her preparedness to lead the nation.

But this isn’t just about the debate itself—it’s about what it reveals about Harris as a candidate. The fact that she initially demanded a sit-down format and needed her running mate by her side for an interview suggests a lack of confidence in her own abilities. For voters, this raises important questions about whether Harris is truly ready to lead or if she still has significant hurdles to overcome.

As we approach this critical debate, it’s essential to consider the broader implications. The way Harris handles this moment will not only impact the election but will also offer insight into the type of leadership she would bring to our nation. The American people deserve leaders who are prepared, consistent, and ready to face challenges head-on—without needing a crutch or demanding special conditions.

In the realm of public opinion, it’s noteworthy that 50% of independents believe food prices will rise under Kamala Harris’s leadership, while only 17% expect prices to decrease. This reflects widespread concern about economic management and the administration’s ability to curb inflation. The rising cost of essential goods like food is a critical issue that affects every American, and these numbers indicate growing unease about the direction in which the country is heading.

In a broader context, we see this as part of a pattern. Harris has a history of flip-flopping on critical issues, particularly concerning our southern border. Once a staunch critic of the border wall, calling it “un-American” and a “stupid waste of money,” she is now pledging to support a bipartisan bill that would allocate hundreds of millions of dollars for wall construction. This dramatic shift raises doubts about her consistency and reliability as a leader. It’s important to note that while her campaign announces these reversals, Harris herself remains silent, letting anonymous sources speak on her behalf. This strategy seems designed to placate moderate voters without alienating her radical base.


Texas removes 1 million ineligible voters from voter rolls

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has taken significant steps to protect the integrity of our elections. Over one million ineligible voters have been removed from Texas voter rolls, including illegal aliens, individuals with felony convictions, and deceased persons. This action underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of our electoral process, ensuring that every legal vote counts and that our elections remain free and fair.

It’s worth noting that Abbott’s efforts are not isolated. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has similarly removed thousands of non-citizens from his state’s voter rolls. This pattern suggests a broader issue across the nation, especially in key swing states where election outcomes can be influenced by ineligible voters. As we move closer to the next election, the integrity of our voter rolls will undoubtedly play a critical role in ensuring the legitimacy of the results.


Special Counsel Jack Smith Re-Files Trump Indictment After Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity

The ongoing legal battles involving former President Donald Trump have taken a new turn, as Special Counsel Jack Smith has re-filed an indictment against Trump, following a recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

Let’s break down what this means and why it’s so important.

Special Counsel Jack Smith has been pursuing legal action against former President Trump related to the events of January 6. However, the trajectory of this case changed dramatically after the Supreme Court issued a ruling that clarified the scope of presidential immunity. The ruling, which reaffirms the legal protections afforded to sitting presidents, has forced Smith to recalibrate his approach.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision, Jack Smith re-filed the indictment against Trump. This move indicates a strategic pivot, as the original charges may have been weakened or invalidated by the court’s ruling. By re-filing, Smith aims to adapt his legal strategy to ensure that the case against Trump remains viable, even in light of the new legal precedent.

The re-filing of the indictment is significant for several reasons. First, it underscores the ongoing complexity and contentious nature of the legal proceedings involving Trump. The case has been a lightning rod for political debate, with supporters and critics of Trump deeply divided over the merits and motivations behind the charges.

Second, this development raises questions about the long-term implications of the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity. The court’s decision has reaffirmed the principle that sitting presidents are afforded broad legal protections, a principle rooted in the idea that the executive branch must be able to function without constant legal challenges. However, the ruling also raises concerns about accountability and the balance of power, particularly when it comes to actions taken by a president while in office.

For Trump, the re-filing of the indictment means that the legal battles are far from over. Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, he remains a target of ongoing investigations and legal actions. This situation puts Trump in a unique position, as he navigates both the legal challenges and his political ambitions, including a potential return to the White House.

For the American public, these developments are a reminder of the intricate and often contentious relationship between the law and politics. As the case against Trump continues to unfold, it will be crucial to watch how the courts, the legal teams, and the broader political environment respond. The outcome of these legal battles could have far-reaching implications not only for Trump but for the future of presidential accountability in our nation.


It’s clear that the stakes are high. Whether it’s Harris’s inconsistency on critical issues, the ongoing battle for election integrity, the Political and Legal Bullying they continue to Harass Trump with, or the global threats we face, we must remain vigilant in defending our Constitutional Republic and the liberties it guarantees.

Next Let’s Break down the facts and headlines that define the current political landscape, as we delve into the challenges facing our Constitutional Republic.


Quick Facts:

Let’s start with a snapshot of the current situation under Kamala Harris’s leadership. One of the most alarming developments is the sharp rise in home prices—up a staggering 39% since Harris and Biden took office. This surge has put homeownership out of reach for many Americans, particularly first-time buyers and those in lower-income brackets. The rising cost of living, coupled with inflationary pressures, has fueled concerns that the American Dream of owning a home is slipping away for an increasing number of citizens.

On the tech front, Apple is set to debut the iPhone 16, a device that will undoubtedly captivate the market. However, this launch comes at a time when the global economy is still grappling with supply chain disruptions, and consumers are feeling the pinch of higher prices across the board. The excitement around new technology is tempered by the reality that fewer people may be able to afford the latest innovations.

Looking back at a pivotal moment in American history, we remember the powerful words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. This speech, delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial, remains a touchstone in the ongoing fight for civil rights and equality. Dr. King’s dream of a nation where individuals are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin is one that continues to inspire us today, reminding us of the work that still needs to be done to achieve true equality in our society.

Viral Headlines:

Shifting to the viral headlines, we see a mix of domestic and international developments that further underscore the challenges we face.

In a blatantly partisan move, the secretaries of state in Michigan and Wisconsin are refusing to remove RFK Jr. from the ballot, despite his suspension of his campaign. Both states are led by Democrat Governors, raising concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. This decision flies in the face of electoral norms and has sparked outrage among those who see it as a deliberate attempt to manipulate the election outcome in favor of the Democratic Party. The refusal to remove a candidate who is no longer running sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the trust that voters place in the electoral system.

Meanwhile, the situation in Afghanistan continues to deteriorate under Taliban rule. New laws have been implemented that prohibit women from speaking or showing their faces in public. This is a heartbreaking reversal of the progress made over the past two decades and highlights the oppressive nature of the Taliban regime. The international community’s response has been woefully inadequate, leaving Afghan women to suffer under these draconian laws. This is not just an issue for Afghanistan; it’s a human rights crisis that demands global attention and action.

On the cybersecurity front, we’re seeing an alarming development. Chinese government hackers have penetrated U.S. internet service providers, raising serious concerns about the security of our digital infrastructure. This intrusion is part of a broader strategy by China to gain access to sensitive information and potentially disrupt our national security. The implications are far-reaching, and it’s clear that more needs to be done to protect our country from these kinds of cyber threats. The fact that foreign actors can so easily infiltrate our networks should be a wake-up call to strengthen our cybersecurity defenses.

In a surprising twist, rapper Waka Flocka has publicly voiced his support for Donald Trump, taking to social media to declare, “I’m still voting for Trump!!!! Let’s be clear!!!!!” This endorsement is significant, as it highlights the diverse coalition of voters who continue to back Trump despite the relentless attacks from the mainstream media and political opponents. Waka Flocka’s support underscores the reality that Trump’s appeal transcends traditional political boundaries, resonating with a wide array of Americans who believe in his vision for the country.

Finally, former President Trump has made a strategic move by appointing RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard as honorary co-chairs of his presidential transition team. This decision reflects Trump’s commitment to bringing together a diverse group of voices to help guide the country forward. Both RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been outspoken critics of the establishment, and their inclusion in Trump’s team signals a willingness to challenge the status quo and pursue a bold, independent vision for America’s future.


As we digest these facts and headlines, it’s clear that the road ahead is fraught with challenges. Whether it’s the rising cost of living, the integrity of our elections, or the security of our nation, we must remain vigilant in defending our Constitutional Republic and the liberties it guarantees.


Today, we’ve delved into the pressing issues that reveal the challenges facing our Constitutional Republic and the importance of protecting our liberties. Kamala Harris’s reversal on the presidential debate with Donald Trump, after initially demanding a sit-down format and access to notes, raises serious concerns about her readiness to lead. Her reliance on running mate Tim ‘Stolen Valor’ Walz for her first interview post-Joe Biden’s political sidelining adds to the doubts. Meanwhile, the integrity of our elections remains in focus as Texas and Virginia move to clean up voter rolls, and Special Counsel Jack Smith re-files his indictment against Trump following a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, signaling ongoing legal battles that could reshape the political landscape. These developments underscore the critical importance of vigilant leadership and a steadfast commitment to our nation’s founding principles.


This is Peter Boykin, encouraging you to stay informed and engaged as we witness these significant legal and political developments. It’s important that you are reminded to #GoRight and stand firm in your commitment to our nation’s founding principles. Thank you for tuning in to #GoRight.


[Source: The Post Millennial, Gov. Abbott statement, Daily Caller]



This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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