Kamala Harris falters in CNN interview as Trump gains momentum in key swing states major policy changes loom

Written by on September 2, 2024


Kamala Harris falters in CNN interview as Trump gains momentum in key swing states major policy changes loom

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Kamala Harris falters in CNN interview as Trump gains momentum in key swing states major policy changes loom

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin. Today, we start by examining a pivotal moment in American politics—the recent CNN interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, where she faced tough questions about her record, her policy flip-flops, and her support for President Joe Biden. This interview has become a flashpoint in the ongoing political narrative as we head towards the 2024 elections.

Kamala Harris’ Struggles in CNN Interview

Vice President Kamala Harris recently sat down with CNN’s Dana Bash in what was her first interview since being installed to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. However, the interview, which lasted a mere 18 minutes and was pre-recorded, has been widely criticized for its lack of substance and Harris’ inability to directly answer key questions.

From the start, Harris appeared on the defensive. When Bash questioned her about her numerous policy flip-flops, Harris struggled to provide clear and consistent answers. She tried to distance herself from several far-left policies she once championed, including the elimination of private health insurance, banning fracking, supporting the Green New Deal, and decriminalizing illegal immigration. Despite her repeated assertions that “my values have not changed,” her responses came across as rehearsed and evasive, failing to address the substantial shifts in her policy positions.

Bash didn’t let Harris off the hook easily. When the topic of fracking came up, Bash reminded Harris that she had supported banning it during her 2020 presidential campaign. In response, Harris flatly denied ever holding such a position, which directly contradicted her previous statements. This kind of denial raises questions about her credibility and consistency, particularly as she attempts to win over voters who are closely scrutinizing her record.

One of the most striking moments of the interview was when Bash questioned Harris about President Joe Biden’s mental fitness. Harris had been one of Biden’s staunchest defenders, even as concerns about his capacity to serve another term became more pronounced. When asked if she had any regrets about what she had told the American people regarding Biden’s abilities, Harris simply responded, “No. Not at all,” before launching into an unconvincing defense of Biden’s presidency. This moment was particularly telling, as it highlighted Harris’ role in what many see as a cover-up of Biden’s declining mental acuity.

Perhaps the most glaring issue with the interview was Harris’ inability to explain why many of her campaign promises have not yet been implemented, despite her current position as Vice President. When Bash pressed her on this, asking why she hadn’t already taken action on some of the policies she’s now advocating, Harris deflected, citing the need to “recover as an economy” before vaguely referencing a reduction in inflation. What she failed to acknowledge, however, is that much of the inflation was a direct result of the economic policies implemented by her and Joe Biden.

In a particularly embarrassing moment for her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who was present during the interview, was confronted about his repeated false claims of having served in combat in Iraq. When Bash challenged him on his misleading statements, Walz attempted to brush it off by blaming poor grammar, stating, “My wife, being an English teacher, tells me my grammar is not always correct.” This excuse did little to repair the damage, and instead, it further highlighted the ongoing concerns about honesty and transparency within the Harris-Walz campaign.

The fallout from this interview has been swift, with many political commentators and voters alike questioning Harris’ readiness to lead. Former President Donald Trump, never one to miss an opportunity to critique his opponents, took to Truth Social to label the interview as “BORING!!!” This one word encapsulated the sentiment of many viewers who found Harris’ performance lacking in both energy and substance.

As we move closer to the 2024 election, Harris’ struggles in this interview could have significant implications for her campaign. With her credibility under scrutiny and her policy positions appearing increasingly inconsistent, she faces an uphill battle in convincing voters that she is the right choice to lead the nation.

Trump’s Strong Polling in Swing States

In contrast to Harris’ faltering performance, former President Donald Trump is gaining momentum in key swing states. According to a recent polling average, Trump is holding steady with 46.2% support nationwide, just slightly behind Harris, who is at 48%. However, in the crucial battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan, and Nevada, Trump leads Harris by 45% to 43% among registered voters. This is significant, especially since these states often determine the outcome of presidential elections. Despite Harris holding a slight edge overall, the swing state data buried within the article reveals that Trump has a competitive edge where it matters most.

Illegal Immigration’s Heavy Burden on Taxpayers

The financial impact of illegal immigration on American taxpayers cannot be ignored. A report from the New York Post highlighted that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers a staggering $150 billion last year alone. This expense includes public services such as education, healthcare, and law enforcement resources. The strain on our Constitutional Republic’s budget is enormous, and it’s a burden that falls squarely on the shoulders of hardworking Americans. This figure serves as a stark reminder of the need for secure borders and comprehensive immigration reform.

Health and Nutrition: Diet’s Role in Dementia Prevention

In a different sphere of news, Yahoo News reports that adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce the risk of dementia by 31%. This diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish, has been shown to have a protective effect on brain health. As our population ages, such preventive measures become increasingly important. It’s vital that Americans stay informed about how lifestyle choices can impact their long-term health.

Democratic Voter Enthusiasm Reaches New Heights

On the political front, a recent Gallup poll indicates that 71% of Democrats are enthusiastic about voting, nearing the 2008 high of 79%. This level of enthusiasm could have significant implications for the upcoming elections. For Republicans, this serves as a call to action to ensure voter engagement and turnout remains strong.

The Dark Side of Political Power in Las Vegas

A disturbing case out of Las Vegas has garnered national attention. Robert Telles, a Democrat politician, was convicted of murdering a journalist who had been investigating allegations of bullying, retaliation, and favoritism in exchange for sexual favors within Telles’ office. This heinous crime underscores the dangers of unchecked political power and the importance of a free press in holding public officials accountable.

Louisiana Takes a Stand Against CRT

In a significant move, Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has signed an executive order banning Critical Race Theory (CRT) from being taught in K-12 public schools. This executive order reflects a broader national debate about the role of CRT in education and its impact on how American history and identity are taught to the next generation. Governor Landry’s decision aligns with a growing concern among parents and educators about the influence of divisive ideologies in the classroom.

Troubling Trends in New York and Vermont

The cultural and political climate in New York and Vermont continues to raise eyebrows. In New York, an illegal alien pled guilty to sexually abusing a 7-year-old girl, a case that has further fueled the debate over immigration enforcement and public safety. Meanwhile, Vermont’s Department of Health is encouraging parents to refer to their children as “kids” rather than “son” or “daughter” to avoid gendered language. This move has sparked controversy, as many see it as an unnecessary intrusion into family life and a departure from traditional values.

Military Ruling and Corporate Moves

In other news, a federal judge recently ruled that the U.S. military cannot bar HIV-positive individuals from enlisting if they’ve temporarily rendered their viral loads undetectable. This decision reflects ongoing changes in how the military handles medical conditions and the rights of individuals to serve their country.

In the corporate world, Footlocker, a major sports retailer, is moving its headquarters out of New York and into Florida. This relocation is part of a broader trend of businesses leaving states with high taxes and restrictive regulations in favor of more business-friendly environments.

Plagiarism Allegations Against “White Fragility” Author

Finally, Robin DiAngelo, author of the controversial book “White Fragility,” is facing allegations of plagiarism. Reports suggest that she may have copied the work of multiple scholars, including minority writers, in her 2004 Ph.D. thesis. These accusations call into question the originality of her work and the integrity of her contributions to academic discourse.

Trump’s Bold New Policy Proposal

In a move that could significantly reshape American families, former President Donald Trump announced a new policy proposal during a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin. He pledged that under his administration, the government or healthcare providers would be mandated to cover all costs associated with IVF treatment. This proposal is part of Trump’s broader plan to address the fertility crisis in the United States, where over 8.5 million American women have dealt with fertility issues. Trump’s focus on family and fertility may resonate with women voters, a demographic where he has historically struggled. However, this policy could also alienate some pro-life members of the Republican party who are concerned about the implications of fertility treatments.


That’s it for today’s edition of #GoRight with Peter Boykin. As always, we aim to bring you the news and analysis from a Constitutionalist for Liberty perspective, ensuring that our Constitutional Republic remains strong and true to the principles it was founded on. Stay informed, stay engaged, and most importantly, stay right.




This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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