Kamala Plagiarizes Again as Trump Gains with Black Voters

Written by on October 16, 2024


Kamala Plagiarizes Again as Trump Gains with Black Voters

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Kamala Plagiarizes Again as Trump Gains with Black Voters

We are weeks away from Election Day, and this is a critical moment for our Constitutional Republic. If you haven’t made a plan to cast your vote yet, now is the time. Don’t let any last-minute hiccup or unexpected meeting stand in the way of your voice being heard. Remember, an early vote is better than no vote at all. Get registered, vote early, and make sure your ballot counts.

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Election News

Kamala Caught Plagiarizing Her Book

Kamala Harris has found herself in yet another scandal—this time for plagiarism in her 2009 book *Smart on Crime*. According to Professor Stefan Weber, Harris lifted 27 passages from other sources, including three fragments of self-plagiarism. Her co-author Joan O’C Hamilton is also implicated in this.

Notable examples of plagiarism include passages copied from NBC News, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and—perhaps most embarrassingly—a Wikipedia page. One glaring instance involved text about the Mid-town Community Court, where the only edit Harris made was removing the phrase “in order to.” Conservative activist Christopher Rufo was the first to bring these issues to light.

This incident echoes Joe Biden’s plagiarism scandal from 1988, when he had to drop out of his presidential campaign after it was discovered he was lifting parts of his speeches from other sources.

**J.D. Vance** chimed in, humorously tweeting: “Hi, I’m JD Vance. I wrote my own book, unlike Kamala Harris, who copied hers from Wikipedia.” This tongue-in-cheek remark highlights the perception of Harris’s inauthenticity—an ongoing issue in her presidential campaign.

This pattern of dishonesty raises questions about Kamala’s suitability for the highest office, especially given that it mirrors past Democratic scandals.



Political Desperation

Kamala Tries to Buy Off Black Voters

In what many are calling a desperate and possibly illegal move, Kamala Harris has launched her *Opportunity Agenda for Black Men*. As part of this plan, she promises one million “fully forgivable” $20,000 loans to Black entrepreneurs and other individuals. These “loans,” of course, are essentially giveaways.

But this pitch is loaded with negative stereotypes, as Kamala also suggests “legalizing recreational marijuana” as part of the opportunities for Black Americans in this new industry. This kind of pandering is all too familiar in the Democratic playbook—appealing to voters with promises and giveaways, only to neglect them once in office.

Her polling with Black male voters has been steadily declining. In the last election cycles, we saw a drop in support among Black men: Obama saw +81 support in 2012, Hillary +63 in 2016, Biden +53 in 2020, and now Kamala sits at +41. The trend is clear: Democrats are losing ground, especially with younger Black male voters.

Former President Barack Obama has been dispatched to the campaign trail to scold Black male voters for not supporting Kamala, calling it sexism. Yet the reality is, these voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the Democrats’ broken promises.

Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s Press Secretary, responded to Kamala’s last-ditch effort by saying: “Trump is making historic gains with demographics because they had more money in their pockets when he was president, crime was under control in their communities, and they weren’t being put last while illegal immigrants are put first.”


🚨 A man arrested outside a Trump rally has denied planning an assassination attempt. He claims to be a supporter who has attended multiple rallies, disputing any malicious intent.

👍 The Biden administration has reportedly warned Iran that any assassination attempts against Donald Trump would be considered an act of war by the United States. The stakes are clearly high, and it underscores the dangerous rhetoric and actions escalating in this political climate.

👏 Donald Trump, in a bold move, has announced plans to bolster the U.S. Border Patrol by adding 10,000 new agents who will receive raises and bonuses. This initiative aims to secure the borders and address the surge in illegal immigration—a cornerstone of Trump’s policy.

👍 In a major endorsement, the *Las Vegas Review-Journal*, Nevada’s largest newspaper, has thrown its support behind Donald Trump. The paper cited his policy results as being “too strong to ignore,” further solidifying Trump’s standing in key battleground states.


#GoRight Recap/Remix:

From Kamala Harris’ plagiarism scandal and desperate moves to win Black voters, to Donald Trump’s firm stance on border security and assassination threats, we’re seeing the political stakes reach new heights. Kamala’s inauthenticity continues to damage her presidential prospects, while Trump gains more support across key demographics. It’s becoming clear that the Democrats’ reliance on empty promises and divisive identity politics is no longer enough to secure their base.

That’s your #GoRight update! For more breaking news and in-depth analysis, head over to GoRightNews.com. Don’t forget to check us out on Rumble, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, X, and other platforms. Help keep this movement going by donating at Cash App $PeterBoykin1—links are available on GoRightNews.com and PeterBoykin.com. Stay informed, stay engaged, and always #GoRight!


This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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