Kamalas Latest Attack on Trump Backfires in Key Battleground

Written by on October 17, 2024


Kamala’s Latest Attack on Trump Backfires in Key Battleground

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Kamala’s Latest Attack on Trump Backfires in Key Battleground

Let’s start with a story from the front lines of a Constitutional Republic. Imagine this: Judge Robert McBurney in Georgia, a battleground state, makes a ruling that echoes across the country. He tells county election officials they must certify vote counts by the legal deadline—even if they suspect fraud or mistakes. That’s a reminder of the law’s resilience, even in times of uncertainty. But it’s also a call for vigilance in protecting the sanctity of our elections.

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we cut through the noise and bring you the facts.

Here’s something shocking. Border security is compromised—again. Thirty percent of the security cameras that monitor our border are reportedly broken, which means illegal “gotaways” are likely “way more than reported.” Our borders remain porous, putting our nation’s security at risk, and the current administration seems uninterested in solving the problem. This level of negligence opens the door to more criminal activities, and that has real consequences for every American.

78% of Americans Barely Surviving: We Won’t Survive Another Year

Inflation is wreaking havoc across America, with 78% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck. The Biden-Harris administration is standing by as rising prices crush everyday people. Inflation has hit a staggering 21.1%, up 2.1% since June 2024, and the administration is still blind to the real struggles of working-class Americans.

Under Trump, inflation was a mere 1.4%. But by the end of Biden’s first year, inflation had surged to 7.1%—a four-decade high. Two-thirds of all Americans have had to cut spending just to survive, and nearly half have dipped into their retirement savings, just one emergency away from financial catastrophe. The Biden-Harris economy has thrown people into a situation where survival, not prosperity, is the new normal.

Housing affordability has dropped to alarming levels. Over 60% of Americans can’t afford to buy or rent homes due to skyrocketing prices and soaring interest rates, which have jumped from 3.25% in March 2020 to 8.5% in 2024. And let’s not forget, the unmitigated influx of over 20 million illegal immigrants further strains this market. These immigrants rely heavily on government subsidies while Americans are draining their savings just to keep up with basic expenses.

Gas prices? Another painful blow to the wallet. From $3.14 per gallon in 2020 to an astronomical $5.26 earlier in 2024, now hovering around $4.57. This inflation isn’t accidental—it’s the result of the Biden administration’s war on oil and gas, which reversed Trump’s energy independence achievements.

Kamala Harris talks about an “opportunity economy,” but for whom? The top 1%, perhaps, while the rest of us are barely surviving. We need a leader who fights for **every** American, not just the elites.

Classless: Kamala mocks Trump for pausing rally during supporter’s medical emergency

During a rally in Pennsylvania with Gov. Kristi Noem, Donald Trump paused his event twice due to medical emergencies in the crowd. In an act of leadership, he ensured medical staff could attend to the sick rallygoers, even ending the rally early due to the heat. Yet, Kamala Harris, desperate for any political advantage, mocked Trump, sharing a misleading clip suggesting he was having a “senior moment.”

Trump was there for his supporters. Kamala, however, seized the opportunity to mock him, showing a lack of decency in her campaign. Even ABC News fact-checked this and clarified that Trump’s actions were compassionate, not signs of confusion. But it shows the depths of Kamala’s campaign strategy—twist the facts, smear Trump, and avoid the real issues.

Juvenile Illegals Terrorize Times Square

Times Square, the heart of New York City, has become a playground for juvenile illegal aliens, members of the Venezuelan gang *Tren de Aragua*. These teenagers, operating out of taxpayer-funded migrant shelters, have committed over 50 robberies in tourist hotspots.

They call themselves “Los Diablos de la 42,” and they’re not just stealing wallets. They’re now escalating to armed robberies, even brandishing guns on social media. Assistant Chief Jason Savino explains, “They started with snatch-and-grab crimes, then moved on to strong-armed robberies, and now they’re using guns.”

And here’s the kicker: due to New York’s lenient bail reforms, none of these criminals are behind bars. They exploit their rent-free shelters to coordinate crimes, all while American taxpayers’ foot the bill for their smartphones and living expenses.

This gang slipped into the U.S. under Biden’s administration, posing as “asylum seekers.” Donald Trump has vowed to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to crack down on these criminal networks, a move long overdue.

Kamala Harris picks a fight she will live to regret

Kamala Harris is in full-blown panic mode as Trump gains momentum. In a desperate move, she’s trying to cosplay as a moderate Republican to win over skeptical voters. But there’s a problem—you can’t fake authenticity. Kamala tried to spin a tale about John McCain welcoming her into the Senate like a coach welcoming a rookie to the NFL. But the story quickly fell apart.

Meghan McCain, John’s daughter, blasted Kamala on social media, warning Democrats to stop twisting her father’s memory for political gain. “Don’t make me start sharing what I remember him ACTUALLY saying about Kamala Harris,” Meghan wrote. Kamala’s attempts to shift tactics backfire time and again, revealing that she lacks the political skill to compete with Trump.


#GoRight Recap/Remix:

Broken border cameras, rampant inflation, rising crime rates—this is Biden and Kamala’s America. Yet, Kamala mocks real leadership when Trump shows compassion at a rally, and New York City has become a haven for juvenile criminals. Kamala’s political games, from twisting McCain’s memory to pretending she’s a moderate, won’t fool anyone. The facts are clear: we need real leadership to restore law, order, and prosperity for **every** American.

For more facts and updates, head over to GoRightNews.com. Stay connected on Rumble, YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook, X, and more. Support the movement by donating through Cash App at $PeterBoykin1, and visit GoRightNews.com or PeterBoykin.com for more details. We fight for what’s right because it’s time to Go Right!





This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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