Written by Peter Boykin on March 11, 2022
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist
The House and Senate just passed a 2,700 page, $1.5 trillion dollar spending package to fund the government for 2022. So sometime today, Joe Biden will sign it into law.
Increased spending: Biden will sign it into law. Despite 40-year-high inflation, D.C. politicians thought it was a good idea to increase spending by 6-7%.
Even super left-wing PBS News noted: “Even for Congress [the $1.5 trillion] is a lot of money.”
Particularly piggish: For the first time in 11 years, the Democrat-controlled House and Senate brought back earmarks.
An earmark is when a member of Congress allocates a specific amount of funds towards a specific project in their home district.
In 2011 a moratorium on earmarks went into effect, banning members from using legislation to direct money to specific projects or specific organizations in their districts.
The main issue with earmarks is it makes it easier to essentially bribe members of Congress to vote for a bill by giving them millions towards their pet projects.
Let’s have a laugh (and then a cry) at a few of the more than 4,000 earmarks that our benevolent overlords in Congress are using our tax dollars to pay for.
$1,600,000 for equitable growth of shellfish aquaculture industry in Rhode Island.
$4,200,000 for improvements to sheep experiment station infrastructure
$2,000,000 for reducing inequity in access to solar power
$2,500,000 for biking trails in Vermont
$500,000 for skiing club Nansen Ski Jump in New Hampshire
$1,979,000 for a climate center at George Mason University
$925,000 for a barn in Vermont
$750,000 for a sports complex in Las Vegas
$10,000,000 to demolish a hotel in Alaska
$775,000 for an LGBT center in Los Angeles
$2,465,176 for a museum & planetarium in Vermont
Cryin’ Chuck Schumer was a particularly glutenous piggy. In this spending bill, at least $250 million of your tax dollars will be funneled to 154 of Schumer’s pet projects in New York.
This includes:
$605,000 to build a greenhouse in New York City
$5.9 million for a harbor park in western New York
$3 million for museums in Brooklyn
Indiana Senator Mike Braun summed it up perfectly: “While inflation hits a historic high today, Congress is pushing through one of the largest spending bills in history with $1.5 trillion of your dollars going toward politician pet projects.”
[Source: Citizens for Renewing America, The Hill, Washington Times]
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