Mark Robinson The Voice of Divisiveness tour coming to a campaign stop near you

Written by on June 27, 2024


“Mark Robinson: The Voice of Divisiveness” tour, coming to a campaign stop near you!

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Martin Luther King III Criticizes North Carolina's Mark Robinson in New Ads

Martin Luther King III Criticizes North Carolina’s Mark Robinson in New Ads


“Mark Robinson: The Voice of Divisiveness” tour, coming to a campaign stop near you!

Mark Robinson’s campaign is indeed stirring strong reactions across North Carolina. His “The Voice of Divisiveness” tour seems an apt descriptor for his campaign trail, reflecting the contentious and polarizing nature of his rhetoric.

Robinson, known for his outspoken views on abortion, LGBTQ rights, and other social issues, has been both praised and criticized for his uncompromising stances.

Critics argue that Robinson’s rhetoric fosters division rather than unity. His statements on topics like abortion—where he declared, “It’s not your body anymore. It’s y’all’s body”—and his past derogatory comments about Martin Luther King Jr., whom he called a “communist” and “ersatz pastor,” illustrate his confrontational approach.

These views, highlighted in recent ads by Martin Luther King III, are seen as extreme by many and are intended to inform voters of the potential consequences of a Robinson governorship.
However, Robinson’s supporters appreciate his candidness and see him as a staunch defender of conservative values against what they perceive as liberal overreach. His endorsement by former President Donald Trump, who likened him to “Martin Luther King on steroids,” has further solidified his standing among the Republican base.

As the gubernatorial race intensifies, Robinson’s divisive voice is both his strength and his Achilles’ heel, making the outcome of his campaign highly unpredictable.

Martin Luther King III Criticizes North Carolina’s Mark Robinson in New Ads

Martin Luther King III has launched a series of ads targeting North Carolina’s Republican gubernatorial candidate, Mark Robinson. In these ads, King III criticizes Robinson’s extreme positions on various issues, aiming to inform voters of the potential dangers posed by his candidacy. The ads highlight Robinson’s controversial statements on abortion and his broader social and political views.

Robinson, currently the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, has been a polarizing figure within the state. His outspoken remarks on topics such as abortion, LGBTQ rights, and other social issues have drawn significant attention. In one ad, Robinson is shown saying, “It’s not your body anymore. It’s y’all’s body,” in reference to abortion, expressing his desire to pass a law restricting abortions in North Carolina for any reason.

The ads, part of a broader strategy by the North Carolina Democratic Party, aim to underscore Robinson’s perceived extremism. Democratic leaders in the state are keen to draw a clear distinction between Robinson and his Democratic opponent, Attorney General Josh Stein. North Carolina Democratic Party Chair Anderson Clayton emphasized the importance of making voters aware of Robinson’s views, stating, “Our job is to make sure everyone knows who Mark Robinson is.”

Robinson’s campaign has been buoyed by an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, who praised him effusively, comparing him to Martin Luther King Jr. Trump described Robinson as “Martin Luther King on steroids” and even went as far as saying, “I think you’re better than Martin Luther King. I think you are Martin Luther King times two.” This comparison has been seen as ironic given Robinson’s past derogatory comments about King, whom he has labeled a “communist” and “ersatz pastor.”

Despite the controversial nature of his remarks, Robinson maintains a significant following among conservative voters in North Carolina. His staunch opposition to what he views as liberal overreach resonates with many Republicans who are looking for a candidate who will stand firmly on conservative principles.

The narrative surrounding Robinson is complex. On one hand, his supporters see him as a staunch defender of traditional values and a necessary counterbalance to what they perceive as left-wing radicalism. On the other hand, critics argue that his extreme views make him unsuitable for the governorship of a diverse and evolving state like North Carolina.
As the gubernatorial race heats up, these ads by Martin Luther King III and the Democratic Party are likely to play a crucial role in shaping public perception and influencing the outcome of the election. Whether Robinson’s controversial statements will ultimately harm his candidacy or galvanize his base remains to be seen.

– Truthout
– DNyuz
– El País English




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