The Shifting Political Landscape of America

Written by on September 26, 2024


The Shifting Political Landscape of America

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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The Shifting Political Landscape of America

It’s the middle of the day, and you’re driving home. You turn on the radio to catch up on the news, only to hear voices that seem a bit too familiar. They echo the same messages you’ve heard for years, but with a twist—more focused, more one-sided. And before you know it, you realize this isn’t just your ordinary broadcast; this is your freedom of speech slipping through the cracks of our Constitutional Republic.

Welcome to #GoRight, with Peter Boykin, where we break down the headlines, untangle the narratives, and present you with the facts—while preserving the liberty this nation was built upon.

Gallup Poll Shows Shift Toward GOP

Our first headline details a significant shift in the American political landscape. Gallup, a well-known and respected pollster, recently released a new report that shows 48% of Americans now identify as, or lean, Republican. This contrasts with the 45% identifying as Democrats. For the first time in 32 years, there are more Republican identifiers than Democrats.

Why is this important? Historically, when Gallup has observed similar trends—like in 2004 and 2016—the Republican candidate won the presidency. While we must remain cautious and avoid over-relying on any single poll, the trend of Republican growth can’t be ignored. Especially when Hispanics—once thought to be a demographic firmly in the Democrats’ corner—are now shifting too. A separate poll shows 52% of Hispanic voters support Donald Trump, while only 44% favor Kamala Harris.

Consumer Confidence Slips, Health Concerns for Gen Z

But it’s not just political allegiances shifting. Consumer confidence has dropped dramatically, the worst decline since 2021. This reflects growing economic uncertainty and dissatisfaction under the current administration’s policies. And speaking of dissatisfaction, another story reports that 37% of Gen Z men don’t even have a primary care doctor. As a generation that has faced unique challenges, this gap in healthcare highlights deeper concerns for our future workforce and their well-being.

Pelosi’s Controversial Visa Stock Sale

Now let’s talk about one of the more controversial figures in Washington—former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The former Speaker’s husband, Paul Pelosi, sold up to $1 million in Visa stock just weeks before the Department of Justice, under Biden-Harris leadership, sued Visa for antitrust violations. Timing, or something more?

Pelosi’s sell-off saved her family more than $50,000 in potential losses when Visa’s stock price dropped by 5.5% following the lawsuit. While Pelosi is required to disclose stock sales, the fact that these disclosures—supposedly in place to prevent insider trading—still allow these sorts of activities to happen should leave us questioning the integrity of those in power. It’s an ironic twist given that the “Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act” was meant to prevent exactly this type of situation.

Soros’ Takeover of U.S. Radio Stations

In more troubling news, billionaire George Soros is positioning himself to control more than 200 radio stations across the country, thanks to a fast-tracked decision from the Biden-Harris FCC. Soros’ acquisition of Audacy—reaching 165 million Americans—includes many of the nation’s top conservative voices, like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Dana Loesch.

This move was pushed through without the typical national security review, setting a dangerous precedent. Soros’ history of funding progressive causes and policies, many of which have contributed to the rise in crime in America’s cities, suggests that this is no ordinary investment—it’s about controlling the flow of information. With his son, Alex Soros, frequently visiting the Biden White House, it’s clear this deal wasn’t just about business. It’s about influence.

Other Key Stories: From Electoral Votes to Border Issues

– A Republican effort to make Nebraska a winner-take-all state for electoral votes failed due to the opposition of one GOP senator, Mike McDonald, preventing an additional vote for Trump in future elections.

– Oran Routh, the son of a man involved in a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, has been arrested for possessing child pornography.

– For the first time since 1970, Pennsylvania’s Luzerne County has more registered Republicans than Democrats. This represents yet another example of the nationwide political shift toward conservatism.

– Detransitioner Chloe Cole has publicly endorsed Donald Trump, saying he is committed to protecting children from transgender surgeries. Cole’s story adds to the growing number of voices pushing back against radical gender ideology.

– The Wharton School of Business fact-checked Kamala Harris’ claims that they supported her economic policies—spoiler alert—they don’t.

– The Oregon DMV accidentally registered over 1,200 illegal aliens to vote, raising further concerns about election integrity.

– Russian military planes were spotted off the coast of Alaska, reminding us all that global threats remain very real.

– Border Patrol agents are sounding the alarm as traffickers are drugging children as young as 8 to smuggle them into the U.S., disguised as their parents.

– And finally, the family of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot during the January 6 protests, has received approval for their wrongful death lawsuit to move forward.

#GoRight Recap

As you can see, the state of our nation is constantly evolving, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. From shifts in voter demographics to concerns over our media’s future, these stories all point to one undeniable fact: The fight for liberty in this Constitutional Republic continues.

For more information, head to, follow us on Rumble, and watch #GoRight with Peter Boykin on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and other platforms. And if you want to help keep our mission alive, you can donate via Cash App at $PeterBoykin1. Links to support us can be found on and

Until next time, stay informed, stay vigilant, and remember—it’s always time to #GoRight.


This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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