The Squad’s Spending Spree is Your Tax Dollars at Work
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

How the Squad pigs out on your dime
The Squad’s Spending Spree is Your Tax Dollars at Work
A staggering analysis by OpenTheBooks has exposed the voracious appetite of the far-left ‘Squad,’ as they guzzle down a jaw-dropping $224 million in earmarks for their frivolous pet projects since 2023.
Unveiling Earmark Excess: Earmarks, often derided as ‘pork barrel spending,’ serve as a conduit for members of Congress to funnel federal tax dollars into their personal pet projects. Despite their banishment in 2011 due to concerns of wasteful spending and corruption, earmarks staged a comeback under the Biden administration’s watch in 2021.
Squad’s Swine-like Behavior: In a glaring display of hypocrisy, the so-called progressive darlings of Congress indulged in a spending spree reminiscent of the most entrenched establishment figures. Let’s delve into their pork-laden endeavors:
– Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) spearheaded initiatives like earmarking $1.2 million for the International Muslim Women’s Empowerment Project and $500,000 to advocate for citizenship for illegal immigrants.
– Rep. Ilhan Omar channeled $850,000 to create jobs for the black community near George Floyd Square, in addition to a cool $1 million toward the Immigrant Opportunity Center.
– Rep. Jamaal Bowman secured a hefty $1.7 million for the Environmental Leaders of Color to construct a “green tech park.”
– Rep. Cori Bush earmarked $1.5 million to erect grocery stores and educational facilities for black farmers.
– Rep. Rashida Tlaib snagged a whopping $4 million to construct an “industrial green beltway” in Dearborn, Michigan.
The grand total of their spending extravaganza amounted to a staggering $224.1 million, splurged across 215 earmarked projects.
While the Squad may hog the spotlight for their egregious abuse of earmarks, they’re merely the tip of the iceberg. Recent spending bills passed by Congress have swelled with 8,051 earmarks, draining a hefty $15.7 billion from taxpayer coffers.
A Cruel Reality: As hardworking Americans struggle to make ends meet, their tax dollars are squandered on frivolous projects and political pettiness. It’s high time for accountability and fiscal responsibility in Washington.
Your money, hard at work.
[Source: OpenTheBooks]
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