The support for the Joe Biden Administration among minority voters continues to decline
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist

The support for the Joe Biden Administration among minority voters continues to decline
The support for the Joe Biden Administration among minority voters continues to decline
Joe Biden appears to be losing his grip on Black and Hispanic voters, two demographics that played a crucial role in his 2020 victory and are essential if he hopes to secure re-election in 2024.
Reflecting on the 2020 election, Biden garnered approximately 70% of the combined Black and Hispanic vote.
Here’s a breakdown of the individual figures:
– Black voters: 92% for Biden, 8% for Trump
– Hispanic voters: 59% for Biden, 38% for Trump
However, a recent analysis by The New York Times, based on a compilation of polls conducted over the past year, paints a less rosy picture for Biden’s prospects in 2024. On average, his support among these two groups has dwindled to a mere 53%.
What’s noteworthy is that this decline in support is not limited to specific demographics within these communities; it spans across all ages, genders, and education levels. In fact, the analysis reveals that 5% of former Biden supporters have now shifted their allegiance to Trump.
If these poll trends persist, it could spell insurmountable challenges for Biden in the 2024 election. This situation may lead Democrats to employ tactics akin to the 2020 George Floyd riots, using divisive issues to energize their base.
There is evidence to suggest that the number of LGBTQ+ individuals voting for Trump has seen an increase in recent years. While precise figures may vary depending on the source and methodology of polling data, it is clear that there has been a growing trend of LGBTQ+ support for the Republican Party and Donald Trump.
Several factors may contribute to this shift, including the diversity of political views within the LGBTQ+ community, increased outreach efforts by conservative groups, and the emphasis on certain policy issues that resonate with a segment of LGBTQ+ voters.
It’s important to note that political preferences within any community are not monolithic, and individual beliefs and priorities play a significant role in shaping voting decisions. As such, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how many LGBTQ+ individuals voted for Trump, but there is certainly evidence to suggest that this demographic’s support for conservative candidates is on the rise.
[Sources: Pew Research, NY Times]
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