Trump Beats Taylor Swift in Favorability as Gun Ownership Soars

Written by on September 24, 2024


Trump Beats Taylor Swift in Favorability as Gun Ownership Soars!

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty


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Trump Beats Taylor Swift in Favorability as Gun Ownership Soars!

#GoRight with Peter Boykin

Welcome to #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we break through the noise and deliver the news that matters, cutting through the misinformation out there. We take a Constitutionalist for Liberty perspective with a Moderate/Conservative Republican viewpoint, focusing on facts and presenting a balanced outlook. Let’s get to the heart of what’s happening across the nation.

I have bad news. Kamala Harris just picked up a major endorsement. You’d think it would be from someone influential or a big name, right? Nope. She secured the backing of the IRS union. That’s right, the folks who oversee taking your hard-earned income believe Harris is the best choice to lead the Constitutional Republic. What’s next, an endorsement from Diddy? Maybe too soon for that joke, but you get the point.

Let’s dive into the headlines, detailing the facts and breaking down what’s really going on.

IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

In a move that leaves many shaking their heads, the IRS union has endorsed Kamala Harris for president. This union represents the bureaucrats responsible for collecting your taxes. It’s a strange but telling endorsement, reflecting a deeper alliance between Harris and the powerful agencies of government. The people working for the IRS apparently believe that Harris would lead the country well, though this only raises questions about the future of our tax system and economic freedoms under her leadership.

Kamala Harris Snubs Bipartisan Catholic Charity Event

Kamala Harris has once again shown her disdain for working across party lines. She recently refused to attend the bipartisan Al Smith dinner, an event that benefits Catholic charities. This nonpartisan gathering has long been a tradition for politicians from both sides of the aisle, and her absence is another example of how out of touch she is with mainstream Americans, especially the Catholic community. It’s hard not to see this as a snub to those who hold traditional values.

Kamala’s Contradictions on the Second Amendment

Kamala Harris is attempting to convince rural voters that she’s pro-Second Amendment. Most recently, she shared a peculiar moment with Oprah, where she said, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.” She quickly added, “I probably should not have said that,” but by then, the damage was done. The comment seemed off-the-cuff but felt staged, like much of what Harris says.

The real problem? This soundbite doesn’t match up with her previous statements. Back in 2020, she criticized stand-your-ground laws, saying they were often used to justify racial profiling. Harris’s inconsistency is glaring, and it’s clear she’s moderating her stance because she needs the support of swing states like Pennsylvania and Michigan. Despite her words, voters shouldn’t be fooled by this sudden pro-2A rhetoric. The truth lies in her earlier positions, such as when she supported strict gun control as Attorney General of California.

Second Amendment and Rural Votes

Kamala Harris continues to soften her tone on gun rights, but don’t let her recent comments fool you. Her stance on the Second Amendment has long been marked by hostility toward private ownership of firearms. Harris’s flip-flopping on this issue indicates political opportunism rather than a genuine change of heart. As we approach the 2024 election, it’s crucial to remember her previous actions in California, where she pushed for stronger gun control measures and supported invasive checks on legal gun owners.

Gun Ownership on the Rise

One of the most significant cultural shifts over the last few years has been the rise in gun ownership across party lines. A new survey reveals that 55.4% of Republicans now own guns, up from 48.5% in 2016. This is a clear sign that gun rights are becoming a defining issue for GOP voters, as concerns about personal safety, government overreach, and Second Amendment rights continue to drive the debate.

But what’s even more surprising is the increase in gun ownership among Democrats. In 2016, 23.2% of Democrats owned firearms, but that number has now climbed to 29.2%. This could reflect growing anxiety over public safety in urban areas or a broader recognition of the importance of self-defense, especially in light of rising crime rates across the country. While Democratic leadership remains staunchly anti-gun, many of their constituents are quietly embracing the right to bear arms.

These shifts indicate a growing recognition of the importance of self-defense and personal security, regardless of political affiliation. The Second Amendment remains a cornerstone of American liberty, and these statistics show that more Americans are acknowledging this reality.

Kamala’s Broadband Failure

Kamala Harris was tasked with bringing high-speed internet to underserved Americans, a project backed by $42 billion in federal funds. However, not a single home has been connected after more than 1,000 days since the bill passed. This failure speaks volumes about Harris’s leadership. Despite the immense resources at her disposal, the broadband initiative has been bogged down by bureaucratic red tape and inaction. Trump recently remarked that this is just another example of the administration’s inefficiency, and he’s right.

Georgia’s Move to Secure Election Integrity

Fantastic news from Georgia! The Georgia State Election Board has voted to require hand-counted ballots for the 2024 presidential election. This is a huge win for election transparency and ensuring that every vote is accurately counted. Given all the controversy and concerns surrounding electronic voting machines, the decision to return to hand-counting ballots signals a strong commitment to election integrity. This move helps restore faith in our Constitutional Republic and the election process, which is vital for the future of democracy.

Oklahoma Purges Voter Rolls

Republican Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma revealed that over 450,000 names have been purged from the state’s voter rolls. These names include deceased individuals, felons, and duplicates, making this a significant move toward ensuring clean and fair elections. This is yet another step toward restoring voter confidence and securing the integrity of our elections.

Trump’s Favorability and Future

Ameer Ghalib Endorses Trump: Ameer Ghalib, the Democrat and Muslim immigrant mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, has endorsed Donald Trump. This endorsement is particularly noteworthy given Ghalib’s background and political affiliation. It’s a sign that Trump’s appeal is broadening to diverse communities, including those who traditionally vote Democrat. Ghalib’s endorsement signals a shift that could have a major impact on the upcoming election.

Trump Favorability vs. Pop Culture

One interesting takeaway from recent polls is the stark contrast in public opinion between former President Donald Trump and pop star Taylor Swift. According to the latest numbers, Trump enjoys a 47% favorability rating, surpassing Swift’s 44%. What does this mean? Despite relentless negative coverage and multiple legal battles, Trump’s base of support remains strong. This speaks to the resilience of his political brand, which has outlasted numerous controversies and continues to galvanize millions of Americans. Swift, on the other hand, maintains a solid cultural influence, but Trump’s political clout has greater staying power in the realm of national politics.

The takeaway here is that Trump’s favorability, despite attacks from the mainstream media and the left, remains a force to be reckoned with. His ability to connect with a broad swath of the American public shows that his message resonates beyond the traditional political sphere.

Bipartisan Protection for Trump and Major Candidates

In response to two foiled assassination attempts against Donald Trump, the House has passed a bipartisan bill to increase Secret Service protection for major presidential and vice-presidential candidates. This is a reminder of the dangerous political environment we’re living in, where even a former president faces threats to his life simply for standing up for what he believes in. This measure shows that, thankfully, there are still politicians on both sides who understand the importance of protecting our leaders, regardless of political party.

Trump’s 2028 Announcement

In another key revelation, Donald Trump has stated that if he loses in the upcoming 2024 election, he will not run again in 2028. This opens up important questions about the future of Republican leadership, but for now, Trump maintains a commanding presence on the national stage. This puts to rest speculation about his long-term political future. Trump’s statement signals that 2024 is a pivotal moment not only for his legacy but for the future direction of the Republican Party. Whether he wins or loses, Trump’s policies and influence will continue to shape GOP politics, but this announcement indicates that the 2024 election will be his final run for office.

This decision will have ripple effects across the political landscape, influencing potential GOP candidates who are waiting in the wings for a post-Trump era. If Trump wins, he will solidify his leadership for the next four years. If he loses, the GOP will need to begin preparing for a future without Trump at the helm, though his political influence is sure to endure.

Political Bias in the Media

Another stark statistic highlights the overwhelming partisan divide in the media. Only 3.4% of reporters identify as Republicans, while 36.4% are Democrats. This imbalance reveals a significant bias in how news is reported and frames public discourse. With such a heavy tilt towards one political party, it’s no wonder many Americans feel that mainstream media coverage is skewed against conservative viewpoints.

The media plays a powerful role in shaping public opinion, and with such a small percentage of journalists identifying as Republicans, there’s a clear need for alternative outlets like Go Right News that provide balanced reporting. We’re here to bridge the gap, ensuring that voices on the right are heard and that the truth isn’t buried under partisan agendas.

Odds and Ends in the News

Janet Jackson Questions Kamala Harris’ Racial Identity: Legendary pop star Janet Jackson recently questioned Kamala Harris’ racial identity, stating in an interview that the Vice President is not black. This statement has sparked some debate, particularly around Kamala’s own shifting narrative about her background. While Kamala has often leaned into her multi-ethnic identity, it seems that even prominent figures in the black community are skeptical of how she presents herself. Jackson’s comments are indicative of broader doubts about Kamala’s ability to connect authentically with various communities.

Elon Musk Faces Legal Threats from Biden-Harris Administration: The Biden-Harris administration continues to target tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. The SEC, under Biden’s control, is seeking sanctions against Musk after he failed to appear in court as part of the investigation into his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter. This move by the Biden administration seems like yet another attempt to punish those who don’t fall in line with their agenda. Musk’s defiance of Washington’s overreach is emblematic of the fight for free speech and innovation in America.

Three Mile Island to Reopen for AI: In a surprising development, the infamous Three Mile Island nuclear plant, the site of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history, will reopen to help power Microsoft’s artificial intelligence ambitions. This marks a significant moment in the use of nuclear energy, as the facility will now be repurposed for a new era of technology. This development underscores the potential for AI to reshape industries, but also raises questions about safety and the future of energy production.

Ending with Optimism

As we navigate the complexities of our current political landscape, let’s remain vigilant in our pursuit of truth and transparency. The challenges we face are real, but they’re not insurmountable. With unity and determination, we can build a brighter future for our Constitutional Republic, one that honors the principles of freedom, equality, and justice for all.

Thank you for joining me on #GoRight with Peter Boykin. Remember to subscribe for more insightful commentary, and let’s keep the conversation going.



#GoRight Recap

The numbers are telling a bigger story. Trump’s favorability remains resilient, even more so than some of the most popular figures in pop culture, showing that his influence isn’t waning despite legal challenges and media attacks. The rise in gun ownership among both Republicans and Democrats reflects an increasing desire for personal security, a reminder that the Second Amendment transcends party lines. And the media’s overwhelming partisan bias, with just 3.4% of reporters identifying as Republicans, underscores why alternative news platforms like GoRight News are so vital.

Meanwhile, Trump’s announcement that he won’t run in 2028 if he loses in 2024 marks a turning point in GOP politics. This upcoming election will define not only Trump’s legacy but also the future of the Republican Party.

Trump remains at the forefront of political conversation, with his favorability surpassing even pop stars like Taylor Swift. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris continues to face criticism for her lack of leadership, whether it’s her absence from bipartisan charity events or her failure to connect underserved Americans to broadband. On a more positive note, election integrity saw victories with the passing of hand-counted ballot requirements in Georgia and Oklahoma’s efforts to purge voter rolls of ineligible voters.

Meanwhile, election integrity takes center stage in Georgia as the state moves to hand-count ballots in the upcoming presidential election, a clear victory for those seeking transparency. And while Kamala continues to fail in her role as broadband czar, Trump’s favorability stays strong.

Kamala Harris’s latest endorsement from the IRS union raises eyebrows, signaling her strong ties to bureaucratic power. Her sudden shift to a pro-Second Amendment stance appears politically motivated as she tries to win over rural voters. But voters should not forget her previous positions that were far more restrictive on gun rights.

As we look ahead to the 2024 election, it’s clear that the stakes are higher than ever. Whether it’s securing gun rights, protecting election integrity, or standing against government overreach, now is the time to act.

Thanks for tuning in to *#GoRight with Peter Boykin*. Stay informed by visiting for the latest updates and in-depth analysis. You can also find us on Rumble, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and many other platforms. And if you want to support the cause, head over to Cash App at $PeterBoykin1. For more information, visit and Let’s keep fighting to go right!



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