Warning Bells Ring Loud: Troubling Signs for Biden in Latest NYT Poll
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

Left-wing poll has major red flags for Joe Biden
Warning Bells Ring Loud: Troubling Signs for Biden in Latest NYT Poll
A recent poll from the traditionally left-leaning New York Times has illuminated significant concerns for Joe Biden’s electoral prospects in the looming 2024 race. Conducted in collaboration with Sienna College, this survey, recognized as highly credible by FiveThirtyEight, reveals an unsettling landscape for the current president. The poll, executed between February 25-28 and encompassing 980 registered voters, provides insights into the shifting political tides.
The overarching narrative is far from favorable for Biden, with 48% of respondents favoring Donald Trump if the election were held today, compared to a meager 43% for the incumbent president. The ominous signs continue as 65% of respondents believe Biden is steering the country in the “wrong direction.” A mere 18% express that Biden’s policies have proven beneficial to them.
In the broader context, it’s crucial to note that not a single New York Times poll in 2020 indicated Trump surpassing Biden. The closest margin was 41% for Trump against Biden’s 49%. This current survey serves as a stark departure from prior expectations.
Delving into demographic breakdowns further reveals Biden’s erosion of support within crucial constituencies. Among women, the poll suggests a split of 46% for both Trump and Biden. Even within the 18-29 age group, Biden faces a challenging scenario, securing 53% compared to Trump’s formidable 41%. Traditional support bases such as the Hispanic community and Black voters also show signs of wavering allegiance.
In a startling revelation, Biden’s share of the Black vote has plummeted by 20% from 2020, indicating a substantial loss of trust and support within a community pivotal to his previous victory.
Compounding Biden’s woes, the release of this concerning poll aligns with a New York Times op-ed by Maureen Dowd, articulating her “fantasy” of Biden bowing out of the 2024 race.
Even among those who cast their ballots for Biden in 2020, only 83% express intent to vote for him again, while a noteworthy 10% plan to switch allegiance to Trump. A staggering 61% of Biden’s 2020 voters voice concerns about his age, deeming him unfit for the presidency in 2024.
The once-staunch support base that propelled Biden to victory in 2020 appears to be fracturing, laying the groundwork for a potential landslide victory for Donald Trump on November 5.
[Source: NY Times]
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