While The News Distracts You With Misinformation Tragedy Strikes Appalachia

Written by on October 9, 2024


While The News Distracts You With Misinformation Tragedy Strikes Appalachia

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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While The News Distracts You with Misinformation Tragedy Strikes Appalachia

It seems almost impossible to imagine, but here we are, barely two weeks after Hurricane Helene ravaged the southeast, and now we’re staring down the barrel of Hurricane Milton—a Category 5 storm with winds up to 180 mph. Florida is preparing for the worst as mandatory evacuations are underway, especially on the west coast. The power of nature reminds us how fragile life can be, and those in the storm’s path must prioritize safety and evacuate.

But here’s where the government gets it right for a change: The North Carolina Board of Elections unanimously approved emergency changes to voting access in the 13 hardest-hit counties. They’ve ensured that early voting and Election Day polling locations are still accessible, despite the devastation left by Helene. This move highlights the importance of keeping our democratic processes alive, even in natural disasters. Yet, the underlying concern—58% of Americans remain anxious about voter fraud—shows we still have trust issues to tackle.

“Hey folks, Peter Boykin here with #GoRight. Before we dive into today’s eye-opening story, let me tell you a quick one. In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, a small Texas town was hit by a terrible flood. Homes destroyed, lives upended. But what did the people do? They didn’t wait for government handouts; they pulled together, rebuilt from the ground up, and by God, they stood strong. Today, our Appalachian communities are facing a different kind of flood—this time, not just from water, but from our government. Let’s talk about what’s going on right now in Western North Carolina, and why this isn’t just a local story but a warning to every American citizen.”

Welcome, patriots, to another episode of #GoRight with Peter Boykin, where we dig into the stories the mainstream media would rather you ignore. I want to kick this off with a quick story—a lesson from the playground, if you will. When a bully are afraid of getting caught, they point the finger elsewhere, hoping the teacher won’t notice their mischief. Our government, or should I say our Constitutional Republic, seems to be playing that same game with “misinformation.” But the truth is simple, folks: when the government or media tells you what to think, it’s time to start asking questions.

Now, let’s dive into something they don’t want you to focus on—what’s happening in the mountains of Appalachia. You might not hear this on your nightly news, but something evil is lurking in the North Carolina mountains, and it’s being compounded by incompetence—or worse, intentional neglect—from the very government sworn to protect these citizens.

Murder always happens for a reason. That’s a hard truth, but a truth, nonetheless. In the mountains of Appalachia, it’s becoming clear that neglect can be just as deadly as any weapon. The devastation left by Hurricane Helene has exposed more than just broken buildings and flooded homes—it’s exposed the broken promises of a government more concerned with optics than with helping its people.

Just imagine over a million people in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee have been left to fend for themselves. Children are wandering in the mud, lost and alone, while bodies hang from trees or float down rivers. It’s a scene out of a nightmare, and yet help has been almost nonexistent. Where is FEMA? Where are the federal and state authorities? The fact is, they’re missing in action—just as they were during the crisis in Lahaina, Maui.

Here’s the reality, folks: while FEMA is too busy at the southern border, they’ve left these American citizens to rot. Literally. Volunteers, not government officials, are stepping up to bring the dead to Mission Hospital in Asheville, which has now been turned into a makeshift morgue. Reports of over 900 bodies have surfaced 900! And FEMA? They won’t even send in the refrigerator trucks to store them.

Think about that. FEMA is distributing porta-potties while citizens starve, die of dehydration, and their bodies pile up. This is nothing short of mass murder by negligence. And, as if to twist the knife, there are rumors that the federal government is planning to bulldoze entire areas—bodies and all—without even identifying the victims. “Something evil is going on in the NC mountains,” as one local pastor put it.

[Opinion warning]:
Now, this next part may sound like speculation, but ask yourself—who stands to gain? Columnist Leo Hohmann reminds us that this region is a Trump country. Are these citizens being deliberately ignored to suppress voter turnout in 2024? It’s hard to say for sure, but when illegal immigrants receive $2,200 a month from FEMA while these hurricane victims get $750 in one-time aid, you have to start questioning the priorities of this administration.

Infrastructure Crisis:
And that’s not all. The regional electrical grid is a mess, with over 360 substations down. There’s a transformer shortage, folks, and you’ll never guess why. In January of this year, two high-voltage power transformers were shipped off to Ukraine, leaving the U.S. grid vulnerable. Now, Western North Carolina is without the backup it desperately needs to restore power.

Let’s be real: We used to be a country that knew how to rescue its own. When disaster struck, Americans rallied together—government, military, and civilians alike. But today, we’re seeing a government that is more focused on foreign aid than on saving its citizens. Whether it’s deliberate or just gross incompetence, the result is the same: American lives are being lost.

So, while the media and government continue to distract you with claims of “misinformation,” keep your eyes on the real story—the one that’s playing out in the mountains of Appalachia. People are dying, and our Constitutional Republic is failing them. But we won’t be silent. We will continue to shine a light on these atrocities and hold the powers that be accountable.

Remember, patriots, it’s our duty to speak the truth—even when they tell us not to.

Americans Know What to Do When Disaster Strikes

Let me take you back a bit. When I was young, I remember being told that people didn’t wait around for government aid. They rolled up their sleeves, worked together, and rebuilt their community from the ground up. That’s the American spirit—resilience, self-reliance, and unity in the face of disaster. But today, we’re seeing something very different happening in our Constitutional Republic. Our communities are under threat—not just from natural disasters but from the actions of those in power who want to use these disasters to reshape our country. Let’s dive in.”

“Alright folks, we’re not talking about just another disaster here. We’re talking about Hurricane Helene, which ravaged Western North Carolina. Now, in the past, when disaster struck, we knew what to do. Communities came together. We rallied the troops, got to work rebuilding and restoring. But now, rescue seems far away—because the response isn’t what it used to be. There’s an agenda at play, and it’s bigger than you might think.”

Where’s the Rescue?

In the past, the rescue was immediate. The Red Cross, local fire departments, volunteers—everyone pitched in. But this isn’t your grandfather’s rescue operation anymore. So why the change? Why are we seeing delays, negligence, and outright abandonment of affected communities?

One infamous line comes to mind: *’ Never let a serious crisis go to waste,’* a phrase coined by Rahm Emanuel, who served as President Obama’s chief of staff. It’s a chilling reminder of how crises are now used as opportunities for political and economic gain. The truth is, in the wake of disasters like Helene’s, powerful interests see opportunity.

[Opinion warning]:
Now, this is where it gets political—and in my opinion, the elites are using this crisis to push people out of these areas and make room for their bigger plans. What do they gain? Well, a lot, as we’re about to see.

The Lithium Gold Rush

Let’s talk about lithium—yes, lithium, the stuff that powers everything from your smartphone to electric vehicles. Turns out, Western North Carolina is home to some of the richest lithium deposits in the world. Two major lithium mines are located right there in the Appalachian Mountains: Albemarle Kings Mountain and Piedmont Lithium.

Albemarle’s Kings Mountain site is one of the world’s most advanced lithium operations, describing itself as a ‘lithium ecosystem.’ And guess who just invested $90 million into that operation? The Department of Defense. That’s right—our federal government is getting in on the action, claiming it’s all about national security and increasing domestic lithium production for the battery supply chain.

But wait—there’s more. The largest investment firm in the world, BlackRock, recently bought 2 million shares in Albemarle Corp, just before Hurricane Helene hit. Coincidence? I don’t think so. There’s a bigger game being played here.

Piedmont Lithium, another player in the region, has faced opposition from residents. But now, after Hurricane Helene, that opposition seems to have been conveniently swept away—just like the homes and properties of the locals. Now Piedmont can push forward with its expansion plans, all under the guise of ‘recovery’ and ‘national security.’

Quartz: A National Strategic Asset

It’s not just lithium these elites are after. Western North Carolina is also home to some of the world’s purest quartz, a critical component in semiconductor chips, which power everything from smartphones to medical devices. Two quartz mines in Spruce Pine, NC, produce up to 90% of the world’s high-purity quartz.

These quartz mines are considered national strategic assets, and with the hurricane displacing specialized workers, there’s now an even greater push to get these mines up and running again. But at what cost to the people living there?

And here’s another twist—there’s another quartz company, Gusher Knob, that’s ready to capitalize on this disaster. They’ve been developing partnerships to expand their operations, and now, with the local population displaced, their business is likely to pick up rapidly.

Seizing Private Lands: The Power of Eminent Domain

Let’s get into something that should concern every property owner in America: eminent domain. This legal power allows the federal government to seize private property for public use—supposedly for ‘fair’ compensation. But in cases like this, we know the truth. The government seizes land, and the locals are left with little choice but to comply.

We’ve seen this happen before, from expanding highways to creating parks. But now, it’s being used to displace entire communities—communities that have been devastated by Hurricane Helene. The elites are swooping in, seizing lands under the guise of recovery, and using them for their profit—whether it’s for lithium, quartz, or some new ‘smart city’ initiative, as is being rumored for Asheville.

Asheville: The Next Smart City?

Asheville, the largest town in the region, has suffered extensive damage. But here’s the thing—there’s been talk for years about turning Asheville into a ‘smart city,’ a futuristic vision where technology is used to monitor and control every aspect of urban life. And now, with the damage from Helene, the opportunity is ripe to implement those plans. Coincidence again? I don’t think so.


The UN’s Global Agenda Targets Appalachia

The International Institute for Sustainability (IIS), a Brazilian-based nonprofit that works hand-in-hand with the UN, is developing something called the *Nature Map Explorer*. Now, this tool doesn’t just track random trees or wildlife; it’s mapping out human impact, biomass carbon density, species richness, and—this is the kicker—areas of global significance for conservation. Do you want to know one of the prime spots they’re targeting for this ‘conservation’? Western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee.

That’s right, the same region hit by Hurricane Helene, and where communities are being left to fend for themselves as properties are quietly being condemned. Look, I’ve heard the rumors. I’ve talked to people in Chimney Rock and nearby areas. They’re saying there’s a land grab going on—a sneaky, underhanded seizure of property under the guise of eminent domain and environmentalism.

The Globalist Agenda and the UN’s 2030 and 2050 Goals

Here’s the kicker, folks. The destruction of these communities, the seizure of land, the push for smart cities—it’s all part of a larger globalist agenda. The United Nations has set its sights on its 2030 and 2050 goals, pushing for sustainability and biodiversity under the guise of environmentalism. But make no mistake—this is about control.

They want to transform our nation into something that fits their globalist vision. They want to take away your property rights, your freedoms, and your ability to live where you choose. And they’re using disasters like Hurricane Helene to fast-track their plans.

[Opinion warning]:
In my view, this administration has fully embraced globalism, pushing us further down this path with every crisis. But let me be clear—I don’t embrace globalism. I stand for individual liberty, for our Constitutional Republic, and for the rights of every American citizen to live freely without interference from those who value profit over people.

“Folks, this is about more than just recovery from a storm. It’s about fighting for our freedom, our property, and our very way of life. We’ve faced disasters before, and we’ve rebuilt stronger each time—but now we’re facing a different kind of threat, and it’s coming from our own government. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and don’t let these globalist agendas take root in our country. This is our land, and we’re not giving it up.

United Nations 2030 2050 Goals and the Hidden Agenda Behind Carbon Credits

“Alright, folks, buckle up, because today we’re pulling back the curtain on something bigger than just environmentalism. The United Nations is pushing a 2030 and 2050 global biodiversity framework, calling for, and I quote, ‘an increase of at least 15% in the area, connectivity, and integrity of natural ecosystems.’ Now, what does that mean in plain English? They want to expand ‘natural ecosystems,’ and in their view, humans are not a priority. People become less important than trees, fish, or, heck, even mosquitoes if they can ‘help’ the ecosystem. This is all part of a larger agenda aimed at pushing humans out of certain areas, reducing our so-called ‘impact’ on the environment.”

[Opinion warning]:
Now, it’s my opinion—based on patterns we’ve seen—that these global elites, who don’t care about you or your family, want to push you off your land under the guise of conservation. Let me explain.


Wild Forests and Carbon Credits: The New Gold Rush

Here’s where it gets even more alarming. When these lands are cleared of people—when folks are forced off their property—what do you think happens? Well, the land returns to ‘wild forest’ status, and guess what? These forests become valuable carbon sinks, absorbing more carbon than they produce. And in today’s world of carbon credits, that land becomes *money*. That’s right, the very land your home used to sit on becomes a commodity for big corporations and the government to trade in a carbon exchange market.

For example, let’s say some trees get planted as part of a reforestation project. The carbon those trees absorb over time can be quantified and turned into carbon credits, which can then be sold to big corporations trying to offset their emissions. So, while you lose your home, they make money off the land you once lived on. The UN’s agenda doesn’t just protect nature; it turns nature into cold, hard cash for the global elite.

Lithium Mines and Government Interests

But hold on, that’s not all. The land in Western North Carolina is also sitting on some incredibly valuable resources—like lithium. Now, lithium is critical for everything from electric cars to cell phones, and it just so happens that the Department of Defense recently struck a $90 million deal to boost domestic lithium production. One of the prime targets? The Kings Mountain mining area is just next door to where Hurricane Helene hit. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

BlackRock, one of the world’s largest investment firms, just ramped up its stake in the company that controls those lithium mines. So, while they’re talking about ‘saving the environment,’ they’re making moves to profit off the land—your land.

Out of Crisis Comes Opportunity—For Some

Look, folks, here’s where I need you to pay attention. The State of North Carolina, the federal government, mining industries, carbon investors, academics—they’re all lining up to make money off this disaster. Hurricane Helene may have devastated communities, but for them, it’s an opportunity.

What’s happening here is bigger than just land grabs. It’s part of a global push that undermines our Constitutional Republic, our property rights, and ultimately, our freedom. They’re selling this as ‘environmental progress,’ but what they want is control—control of your land, your resources, and yes, even your freedom to live where you want.

What We Can Do

So, what do we do? First, we fight back. We make sure our voices are heard at the local, state, and federal levels. Start with your county commissioners, your state reps, and your governors. Don’t wait for the federal government to act; focus on protecting your local community. This is how we preserve our individual liberties and property rights.

Second, stay informed. Keep digging, keep asking questions. Don’t let the media distract you with side stories. We’re talking about real lives being destroyed, and real property being taken, all under the guise of ‘progress.’

“Folks, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re powerless. This is our Constitutional Republic, and as long as we stand united, we can push back against these globalist agendas. This isn’t just about some far-off UN goals; this is happening right here, in our backyard. Let’s stay vigilant, stay informed, and #GoRight!”


Kamala Harris ‘Call Her Daddy’ Propaganda: A Bizarre Campaign Move

Now, let’s talk about Kamala Harris, our sitting Vice President, who’s been on a PR blitz, desperately trying to revive her image by cozying up to pop culture. She recently sat down with Alex Cooper on the popular podcast “Call Her Daddy.” But this isn’t just any interview—it’s propaganda wrapped in pop culture.

For those unfamiliar, ‘Call Her Daddy’ is a show primarily targeting young female listeners, with past topics like “Blow jobs, hall passes, & frat daddies.” Hardly the platform for serious political discussion, right? Well, that’s exactly why fans are outraged. This isn’t an opinion; it’s a fact based on viewer reactions. Fans flocked to social media, labeling the interview “propaganda” and expressing their disgust. Comments flooded in: “DONE, this was my fav podcast. I’m 100% disgusted,” and, “Why alienate so many of your fans?”

The so-called “interview” was a softball discussion centered around “reproductive rights” and abortion, sidestepping key issues like immigration and the economy, the topics that truly matter to voters in the upcoming election. Harris chose to record this interview as Hurricane Helene was wreaking havoc across the Southeast—while Americans were seeking leadership. The timing couldn’t have been more out of touch.

This shift in strategy tells you one thing: Harris and her team are worried. You don’t change the game plan in the fourth quarter unless you’re losing. Lining up appearances on unserious shows like ‘Call Her Daddy’ and Howard Stern? This is what desperate leadership looks like when the pressure is mounting.

The “Merchant of Death” Back in Business: The Biden-Harris Prisoner Swap Disaster

And now, let’s get into an international crisis that reveals the true danger of weak leadership. Remember Viktor Bout, the notorious Russian arms dealer known as the “Merchant of Death”? Less than two years after being released in a prisoner swap for WNBA star Brittney Griner, he’s back at it. Bout has reportedly sold $10 million worth of weapons to Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, a group actively targeting U.S. forces in the region.

Let’s rewind. Bout was arrested back in 2011 for selling millions in weapons to forces targeting American soldiers. And what does the Biden-Harris administration do? They released him in exchange for a basketball player who was caught with drugs in Russia. You can’t make this up.

Russia played us. They knew that with weak leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, they could use Griner as a pawn to free a dangerous arms dealer. This not only emboldens our enemies but sets a terrible precedent. What’s stopping other nations from taking more Americans as prisoners, knowing they can trade them for a high-value asset?

#GoRight Recap

So, what have we learned? Our Constitutional Republic is facing a series of challenges, from hurricanes to political distractions. Kamala Harris is spending time on pop-culture podcasts, ignoring the real issues voters care about, while the Merchant of Death is back in business thanks to Biden-Harris’ disastrous foreign policy. And as natural disasters test our resilience, there are still significant concerns about voter fraud and election integrity.

But there’s hope. We can hold our leaders accountable. We can demand better. This is why we fight for liberty, and it’s why we #GoRight.

Thank you for joining us today. For more details on these stories and other breaking news, visit GoRightNews.com. Be sure to check us out on Rumble.com, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and more under #GoRight with Peter Boykin. And if you want to help us keep the truth flowing, you can donate via Cash App at $PeterBoykin1, or find all the links you need on GoRightNews.com and PeterBoykin.com.

Stay vigilant. Stay informed. And always remember: We are the Republic—let’s keep it that way.



This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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