Embracing Liberty A Constitutionalist for Liberty Perspective on Gay Rights and Pride Month

Written by on June 19, 2024


Embracing Liberty: A Constitutionalist for Liberty Perspective on Gay Rights and Pride Month

#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin

American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty

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Embracing Liberty: A Constitutionalist for Liberty Perspective on Gay Rights and Pride Month

Adapted From David Ragsdale teachings


In our Constitutional Republic, it is essential to reflect on the values of liberty and inclusivity. As June marks Pride Month, it is a time to celebrate the contributions of the gay community and to consider the principles that guide our nation. A Constitutional Republic thrives on the foundation of individual freedoms, and this includes the freedom to live authentically.

From a Constitutionalist standpoint, recognizing the inherent dignity of every individual is paramount. The belief in a God who created all things logically extends to the understanding that He created gay people too. A good, loving, and infinitely wise God would not create individuals with the expectation that they should lead lives of unhappiness and repression. This perspective is rooted in compassion and respect for personal liberty.

While dialogue with God occurs through prayer, no one can claim to have a direct, two-way conversation with Him. Therefore, interpretations of religious texts and teachings vary. Some religious communities’ welcome gay members, while others do not. This disparity often reflects personal biases rather than divine intent. The core issue is not about God but about human interpretations of His teachings, as seen in the contrasting actions of different churches.

Extremist views within some Christian groups assert that homosexuality is sinful and unnatural, often citing the Bible. However, these views are not universally held within the conservative community. It is crucial to distinguish between opinion-based interpretations and facts. Opinions suggesting that being gay is a choice or that it stems from poor upbringing lack scientific support. Instead, homosexuality is widely recognized as a naturally occurring sexual orientation.

The concept of homosexuality being sinful, or evil is refuted by many who recognize that sexual orientation is an inherent aspect of one’s identity. Homosexual behavior is observed in various animal species, further indicating its natural occurrence. For example, the male penguin couple, Roy and Silo, at Central Park Zoo, successfully hatched and raised a chick, demonstrating that same-sex bonds are a part of the natural world.

The debate over the Bible’s stance on homosexuality continues, with interpretations varying widely. A literal interpretation of the Bible can lead to problematic conclusions when considered in the context of contemporary values and scientific understanding. It is essential to approach religious texts with a balanced perspective, acknowledging both historical context and modern insights.

The assertion that sexual orientation is a choice and can be changed through therapy or prayer is unfounded. Most mental health professionals agree that sexual orientation is not subject to change and that attempts at conversion therapy can be harmful. The closure of Exodus International, once the largest ex-gay organization, and its apology to the gay community underscored this point. President Alan Chambers admitted that conversion therapy does not change sexual orientation, reflecting a broader consensus among experts.

Science supports the view that homosexuality is genetic, indicating that individuals are born with their sexual orientation. Embracing one’s identity is crucial for personal happiness and fulfillment. Self-acceptance leads to a healthier and more satisfying life, enabling individuals to build meaningful relationships.

As a Constitutional Republic, it is our duty to uphold the principles of liberty and justice for all. The Republican Party, often seen as a big tent, has room for diverse voices, including groups like the Log Cabin Republicans and Gays for Trump. Embracing this diversity strengthens our commitment to individual freedoms and the values enshrined in our Constitution.

Pride Month serves as a reminder that our nation’s strength lies in its commitment to liberty and inclusivity. By recognizing and celebrating the contributions of the gay community, we honor the principles that make our Constitutional Republic a beacon of freedom and liberty for all.




This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin

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