Joe Biden’s Unjust Justice as Pro-Life Advocates Face Severe Penalties Under FACE Act
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

Pro-life activists found guilty; face 11 years thanks to Biden DOJ
Joe Biden’s Unjust Justice as Pro-Life Advocates Face Severe Penalties Under FACE Act
In a glaring example of the Biden administration’s biased approach to justice, a Nashville grand jury has found six pro-life activists guilty, imposing potential sentences of up to 11 years. The charges stem from alleged violations of the FACE Act and conspiracy against rights, highlighting a concerning trend in the administration’s prosecutorial decisions.
The FACE Act, enacted in 1994, ostensibly aims to prevent threats, obstruction, and physical violence against patients and staff of abortion and reproductive health centers. However, its broad application has extended to pro-life centers, creating an environment where peaceful demonstrations are met with severe legal consequences.
On March 5, 2021, a group of pro-life activists gathered outside a Tennessee abortion clinic for a peaceful protest, exercising their right to free speech. The Biden Justice Department contends that their actions prevented a patient and employee from entering the facility. Livestream footage from the event captures the activists engaged in prayer, singing hymns, and attempting to dissuade women from seeking abortions. Allegedly, some protestors sat in front of the clinic door, refusing to move when requested.
The penalties the defendants now face—Chet Gallagher, Coleman Boyd, Heather Idoni, Cal Zastrow, Paul Vaughn, and Dennis Green—are shockingly severe. Potential sentences of up to 10.5 years in prison and fines totaling $260,000 loom over these individuals who sought to peacefully express their convictions.
One cannot ignore the apparent discrepancy in the application of justice. The defendants argue that the Biden DOJ selectively employs the FACE Act against pro-life activists while turning a blind eye to abortionists who engage in protests at pro-life centers and churches. Striking evidence supports their claims, with data from the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising revealing that the Biden regime has used the FACE Act 126 times to charge pro-life activists, compared to a mere 3 instances against pro-abortion activists.
Representative Mike Lee, articulating the widespread concern, succinctly states, “Bottom line: the Biden administration incarcerates people for praying at abortion clinics while ignoring violent acts at churches and pregnancy centers.” This case raises questions about the administration’s commitment to impartial justice and the protection of constitutional rights for all citizens.
[Source: Daily Wire]
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