Preserving Liberty Amidst Tax Burden as Tax Day Looms
#GoRightNews Shared by Peter Boykin
American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Activist / Constitutionalist for Liberty
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Preserving Liberty Amidst Tax Burden as Tax Day Looms
April 15th marks the deadline to file taxes, a pivotal moment for Americans to ensure compliance while safeguarding their hard-earned income. In the backdrop of this looming deadline, it is imperative to reflect on the profound impact of taxation on individual liberty and the overarching principles of our Constitutional Republic.
As citizens of a nation founded upon the principles of limited government and individual sovereignty, Tax Day serves as a stark reminder of the ever-expanding reach of bureaucratic intrusion into our lives. The specter of Joe Biden’s proposed expansion of the IRS, with its ominous addition of 87,000 new agents, looms ominously, threatening to encroach upon our freedoms and privacy.
The staggering reality of taxation is underscored by a recent study revealing that the average American bears a lifetime tax burden amounting to $524,625. This exorbitant figure not only underscores the magnitude of financial strain endured by hardworking citizens but also serves as a poignant indictment of the bloated apparatus of government intervention.
Quoting an article by USA Today, it sheds light on the disproportionate tax burden borne by residents of New Jersey, who face the highest average lifetime taxes totaling $987,117. This statistic not only elucidates the economic challenges faced by individuals residing in high-tax states but also underscores the urgent need for fiscal responsibility and restraint within our government.
In the face of escalating taxation and government overreach, it is incumbent upon patriotic Americans to safeguard our Constitutional Republic and preserve the principles of limited government, fiscal prudence, and individual liberty. As Tax Day approaches, let us remain vigilant in our commitment to upholding the values enshrined in our founding documents, ensuring that the flame of liberty continues to burn brightly for generations to come.
[Source: Fox Business, Yahoo/USA News]
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🚙 Sales of Volkswagen electric cars plunged nearly 25% in Europe as demand for TVs stalls and buyers return to gas.
❎ A Florida judge temporarily blocked the state’s law prohibiting teachers from using pronouns that don’t align with their biological sex.
🤡 The Biden Department of State is making promotions contingent on employees’ ability to document their active engagement in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices.
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🎥 Rep. Rashida Tlaib always looks one Red Bull away from having a mental breakdown.
🎥 Award-winning investigative journalist Catherine Herridge was targeted by Biden’s DOJ and then fired by CBS News, who seized her documents which included confidential sources the government wanted. Yesterday she gave a dire warning to Congress.
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These last two videos are very important. They’re from a Congressional hearing and feature award-winning investigative journalist Catherine Herridge. Herridge was targeted by the Biden DOJ for refusing to give up a confidential source. Then her employer, CBS News, fired her and seized all her investigative documents – including her confidential source information.
🎥 Herridge’s dire warning to America about the attack on real journalists.
🎥 Rep. Jim Jordon puts it all into perfect context.
This Article is Brought to you by Go Right News and Edited by Peter Boykin
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