Biden’s Voter Registration Payday a Covert Attempt to Influence the Youth
Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist / Political Candidate

Biden bribing students to register voters
Biden’s Voter Registration Payday a Covert Attempt to Influence the Youth
Kamala Harris has unveiled a controversial plan revealing the federal government’s intention to financially reward college students for registering new voters and taking up roles as poll workers—an initiative that raises legal eyebrows and is seen by critics as a maneuver to boost Biden’s voter turnout.
Delving into the details: In a recent meeting with voting rights groups, Harris disclosed the Biden administration’s program, allowing students to earn money through Federal Work-Study while engaging in voter registration and serving as ostensibly “non-partisan” poll workers.
Taking a step back: Despite Harris emphasizing the term “non-partisan,” the reality remains that a significant portion of college students leans Democratic. In the 2020 election, a staggering 65% of young voters (aged 18-24) cast their ballots for Joe Biden.
The legal quagmire: Heritage Foundation’s Hans A. von Spakovsky has raised concerns, labeling the initiative as “the unauthorized use of taxpayer funds to get out the vote for the Biden campaign.” He goes on to assert that this move is a blatant violation of both the Hatch Act, which bars federal employees from participating in political activities, and the Anti-Deficiency Act, prohibiting the misuse of federal funds.
Unpacking the context: These actions fall within the ambit of Executive Order 14019, signed by Biden shortly after taking office, compelling federal agencies to explore avenues to encourage voter participation.
Another instance of potential abuse: The Department of Health and Human Services is set to dispatch voter registration letters to all Americans utilizing Obamacare, a program that statistically caters less to Republicans by 12%.
The broader perspective: These maneuvers, coupled with the forgiveness of $132 billion in student loans, exemplify what critics view as desperate executive actions aimed at securing the allegiance of young voters.
[Source: Whitehouse, Fox News, American Greatness, Zero Hedge]
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