Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 135

Joe Biden Screw-ups are intentional Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist If you find yourself wondering how Joe Biden could possibly screw things up as bad as he has, consider this: It's not a screw-up. It's intentional. The national gas price average hit a new all-time high today: $4.596 Joe Biden over the weekend [...]
Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   🎥 A Twitter senior engineer admits in an undercover video that "Twitter does not believe in free speech."   Dr. Fauci told CNN that he would step down from his position if [...]
BIDEN KNEW ABOUT THE BABY FORMULA CRISIS, DID NOTHING Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The Biden regime's Secretary of HHS Xavier Becerra accidentally admitted to CNN that the FDA warned them about the coming baby formula crisis last year, contradicting a statement made by Biden over the weekend. Biden's [...]
DIESEL FUEL CRISIS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist We talk a lot about the soaring price of unleaded gasoline, but there's an even bigger fuel crisis lurking right behind it...   Diesel fuel is sitting at an all-time high average of $5.573 per gallon. And it's in such low [...]
FAUCI'S WIFE PUSHED COMPANIES TO EMBARRASS VACCINE RESISTORS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Did you know that Dr. Anthony Fauci's wife is also a D.C. health bureaucrat? Christine Grady is head of the Department of Bioethics, and this past March she wrote a paper defending the ethics behind private [...]
MUSK WAS ACCUSED OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT 24 HOURS AFTER DECLARING HE PLANS TO VOTE REPUBLICAN Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Elon Musk tweeted his intentions to vote Republican in the next election: "In the past, I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become [...]
AOC announced she's engaged Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist     Congresswoman AOC announced she's engaged to long-time boyfriend Riley Roberts... I guess she's a radical in the streets, but a colonizer in the sheets... 😳   ⬇️ Biden's average approval: 41.1 approve, 54.1 disapprove 🆘 85% of [...]
AS USUAL... BIDEN LEADS FROM BEHIND Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Joe Biden is finally taking action to deal with the baby formula crisis that has parents struggling to feed their infants. Biden invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) to "do everything possible to ensure that there is enough [...]
BIDEN'S CENSORSHIP BOARD GETS SHUT DOWN Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   The Biden regime's Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) has officially been put on indefinite hold and the head of the board, Nina Jankowicz, has resigned just three weeks after it was introduced. The announcement comes after weeks of [...]
WE DID IT JOE Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Joe Biden continues to set all the wrong records... For the first time ever, the average price of gas is over $4 in every single state in America.   💉 FDA approved covid booster for kids 5 to [...]

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