Written by on January 3, 2022


Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist


Joe Biden addressed the nation recently to discuss the surge of covid cases hitting the United States due to the omicron variant. His speech comes a little over a year after promising Americans that as President, he would “shut down the virus.” If you didn’t tune in, you’re in luck… because I forced myself to watch it.

Here’s what you missed:

Key takeaway: This was all about damage control. Here we are, nearing the end of the second year of the Covid pandemic, entering the winter months and across the country, people still have to stand in lines for hours waiting to get a Covid test.

Let’s break it down: For starters, the speech took place at 2:30 in the afternoon, while most Americans were at work or school, which is unusual [Google the term “sundowning” to understand why he did it in the afternoon]. You can break the address down into two parts: new federal actions and fear-porn.

1. New federal actions: Biden announced a few executive actions he would take to help deal with the surging Covid cases across the country.

Here are a few:
Adding 10,000 vaccination sites to the already 80,000 sites set up across the country
Setting up more testing sites across the country [needed to do this a long time ago]
Sending out 500 million at-home Covid tests to Americans [not until January]
Preparing to deploy 1,000 troops to help staff at local hospitals

2. Fear porn: Someone must have advised Biden to tone down the rhetoric. Over the weekend he was screaming that this would be a “winter of death” for the unvaccinated.

But in his speech he said:
“If you’re unvaccinated, you’re at a higher risk of getting severely ill from Covid-19, getting hospitalized, and even dying.”
“Your choice is not just a choice about you. It affects other people. You’re putting other people at risk.”
“The unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices. Those choices have been fueled by dangerous misinformation on cable tv and social media… It’s wrong. It’s immoral.”

The only good thing that came out of Biden’s speech was that he made it clear he does not believe we should shut down our economy again.

Here’s the real talk: When Covid hit in March of 2020, the country wasn’t prepared. We were undersupplied and had no medical treatments.

What Trump did: Through Operation Warp Speed, former President Trump mobilized American industries to rapidly build and manufacture what we needed: ventilators, masks, medical equipment, etc. He streamlined the creation of therapeutics like Regeneron and Remdesivir to help those infected. And, whether we like it or not, he streamlined the creation of three vaccines.

What has Biden done? Think about it. What has Biden created to battle Covid since taking office? Nothing. He’s rested on everything Trump created. And now, a year into his presidency we see he didn’t even have the sense to make sure the country had enough testing sites to manage the surge in covid cases that we knew would happen in the winter. Instead of the low-hanging measures he announced today, he should be accelerating the development of more therapeutic options. Monoclonal antibody treatments work really well, but they’re not widely available and are being rationed.

And in case you were wondering if/why you’re allowed the celebrate Christmas, here’s what Biden had to say:
“I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with your family and friends. The answer is yes you can — if you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated. Particularly if you’ve gotten your booster shot.”

BahHumbug and Happy New Year



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